Vriska Serket ♏ discedo app

Jul 31, 2011 10:47

Name: Dar
LJ: darizard
E-Mail: darizard@gmail.com
IM: (AIM) allthelevels / (MSN) darbutt@live.com
Characters played at Discedo: n/a

Character's Name: Vriska Serket
Series: MSPA: Homestuck
Timeline: After her death, here.
Canon Resource Link: Vriska at the MSPA Wikia.

Vriska Serket is one of twelve trolls to survive the Alternian apocalypse. She is associated with the astrological sign Scorpio. She therefore in the Homestuck canon has a relationship with arachnids- most notably spiders. Vriska's lusus (which is the troll's equivalent to a sort of guardian, but not quite a parent) is a giant spider, and is always hungry and requires a lot of attention from Vriska- before its death, anyways. She also has vision eightfold, granted by her left eye, which has seven pupils (bringing the total to eight). Her vision eightfold has given a sort of x-ray ability with the aid of a special lens. Trolls also communicate primarily through instant messenger or message board, and each of them have their own typing quirks. Vriska's quirk continues the play off the number eight by substituting all "b"s with "8"s, and also substituting "ate" sounds with "8"s. When especially flustered, she has a tendency to replace vowels with "8"s regardless of phonetics. She also types emoticons with eight eyes ( ::::D ) and for emphasis repeats vowels or punctuation eight times. Her Trollian handle is arachnidsGrip. Her mythological title is "Thief of Light", and the Thief part speaking somewhat to her personality and abilities but it's still a mystery as to what the Light part might allude to exactly.
Her hobbies include extreme role-playing and treasure collecting. The game that she plays is called Flarp, and she plays it with some of the other trolls. Her roleplay character's name is Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, named after her ancestor who she looks up to as a sort of idol. She apparently has a spidersona as well, but even rp fanatic Nepeta refuses to play with either of these characters, since they have a tendency to do horrible things. Her treasure plundering takes place during her Flarp sessions. Among her most important plundered treasures is her Magic Cue Ball, only good to her thanks to her eightfold vision, and a special set of eight eight-sided dice. Her respiteblock (troll living space- sort of like a bedroom) is littered with other things that have to do with luck and chance, just as these treasures do. She often breaks magic 8 balls in frustration over their unreliable predictions, and she often steps on four-sided dice, blaming her own bad luck, but in reality she just neglects to pick them up.

Some of the trolls have special psychic abilities, and Vriska is among them. Her ability is mind and body manipulation, and of the trolls who have any special powers, she abuses hers most of all. However, she can only take over the minds of more weaker-willed trolls. While she has tried to do the same to humans, her power only goes as far as being able to put them to sleep or wake them up. She's known to use her abilities during her extreme role-playing sessions and uses it to bring weak, young trolls to the web of her lusus. According to her ex-rp partner Terezi, Vriska has no sense for justice by abusing her powers like she does. She and Terezi had once been partners in Team Scourge (they earned themselves the names "Scourge Sisters" in their conquests), and Terezi says that their union was meant to be one with more noble intentions, to beat the bad guys and use them as spider food, but Vriska would prey even on the innocent.
If this ability doesn't make her dangerous enough, she also wields the Fluorite Octet. Vriska found this set of eight eight-sided dice on an rp session with Eridan. These dice deal damage via the combination of rolled numbers. There are a total of 88 possible permutations, and have the potential to be incredibly frightening- but its results are left completely up to chance.
She managed to locate the Fluorite Octet by following the directions found in the journal of Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. The Marquise is Vriska's ancestor, a legendary troll pirate that bears the same scorpio symbol as Vriska. Vriska found her journal before she started killing to feed her lusus. The journal is a collection of diary entries that recorded the Marquise' adventures written by the Marquise herself~. Living up to the Marquise' grandeur is her inspiration to become more strong. Under the Marquise' name her rp character has gained all the levels (all of them!) and even outside rp she is pretty fearful if you find her as your opponent.

The other trolls recognize Vriska as someone untrustworthy and dangerous not only for the ruthlessness in her past but for being just as cruel to trolls within her circle of friends. They pretty much universally accept that she is, plainly, a huge bitch. Troll relationships are exceedingly complicated and Vriska's personality doesn't make it any easier. She is known to have once been kismesis to Eridan, and vice versa, but she has since left him but he still holds unrequited feelings for her. She likewise holds unrequited feelings towards Tavros, who is mostly way too intimidated by her to ever return the feelings. She also appears to hold romantic feelings towards John, who is unfortunate enough to have Vriska as patron troll. Her relationships with John however has deep roots in Vriska's competitive and jealous nature. Vriska's rival Terezi is the patron troll of the human Dave, and Vriska is determined that John always one-up Dave. Initially, she befriends Dave and is quite helpful to him on his journey through his game, but she of course has different intentions. Vriska is so hellbent on getting this done to the point of putting his life in danger- even killing him- in order for him to reach higher power.
Among the trolls, the only one that seems to tolerate her on a friendly level is Kanaya. Vriska even recognizes her as a friend, even if she does refer to her as a "meddley meddler meddlefriend". Whoever she may have been friendly with in the past, she is no longer due to her manipulative and cruel personality. She is feared even by higher members of the hemospectrum, which is the troll social class hierarchal system, determined by the color of your blood, with red-violet being of the highest caste. Vriska is fifth from the top on this scale, on equal terms with fellow blueblood Equius and just under Gamzee and the seadwellers. Although she acknowledges the hierarchy, it does not seem to be especially important to her, as she seems to treat trolls both above and below her on the caste system equally.
Outside of her relationships with her fellow trolls, Vriska is most honest with the human John. She finds in John a confidant that she can't find among her own species. She even is able to be quite blunt about her red feelings towards him, and asks him whether they could go on a date- if it were ever possible. In her conversations with him it's revealed how much deeper her character can be beyond the "huge bitch" that most take her as.
… Vriska also has a weird crush on Nicolas Cage.

Despite how horrible she has been to people in the past, Vriska does show some regret for her actions. She confides in John her remorse for the murder of Tavros and Aradia. She is conflicted by the troll opinion of killing and the hemospectrum caste system because according to troll culture those killings would have been completely justifiable. Her confusion, contrasted against her behavior in the past, makes it impossible for her to let the other trolls know about how she apparently feels.
Although it is revealed that she is not so heartless a killer, this same conversation confirms things like how easily she loses her temper and how ruthless she can be. But even her ruthlessness is best brought around by something like the death of her friends, suggesting that there is some hope for the spideriest troll.

Powers & Abilities:
(Described in the personality section~)
- Vision Eightfold
- Psychic manipulation

What items will they be bringing with them?
(Also described in the personality section~~)
- The Fluorite Octet
- The Marquise' journal
- A poster of Nicolas Cage ♥
- Magic 8 balls.

Third-Person Sample:

Your name is Vriska Serket. You have just arrived in a barren city in a world not so different from the one you once called home. But hey, this is not a big deal! Not for you, Vriska Serket. Not for someone who has all the levels. All of them! Not only do you have all of the levels, but you have reached the God Tiers, the blue fairy wings on your back and your god hood are all the proof anyone would need concerning this fact.
Regardless of your rank, the situation you find yourself at the present is bothersome. Bothersome and mildly aggravating.

There is a Magic 8 Ball in your hand. You give it a good shake, hoping that the odds might perhaps be more in favor than it seems. Through its window you can see that its prediction is quite clear- "outlook not so good".
Damn your rotten luck! You throw the spherical fortune teller into a nearby wall. It splits and breaks on impact, its dark blue liquid seeping out its cracks, destined to never tell another unfortunate prediction again.

You've taken down monsters twice as fearsome as the ones you have met here in your flarp sessions! With the help of your teammates you have conquered and plundered cities many times the size of this one! Wielding the Fluorite Octet, the power of the Marquise herself at your hand, nothing stood in your way!
But what the hell is the point having all the levels when nothing is working the way it's supposed to? A roll of the blue dice and there is nothing. More rotten luck, you think at first. You roll again. Nothing. And again. The same. You grip the dice and prepare to help them to meet the same fate of your traitorous magic 8 ball. But you hesitate in doing so. The Octet are a great treasure regardless, and you intend on restoring its and your power.

First-Person Sample:

--arachnidsGrip [ AG ] began trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

It's time for us to settle this once and for all, Eridan!
I'm severing these 8lack 8onds!
Meet me tomorrow at dawn.
You can 8ring your f8key f8ke magic wands or whatever with you.
8ut don't even 8other not showing up!
If you're going to 8e a wimp a8out it, I'll find you!
This town 8nt 8ig enough for the 8oth of us!
You! Me!
IT'S ON!!!!!!!!

--arachnidsGrip [ AG ] ceased trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

--arachnidsGrip [ AG ] began trolling Discedo City [ DC ]

I would strongly advise, for the s8fety and well8eing of the good people of Discedo City, to avoid the seafront early tomorrow morning.

Links: I played Vriska for a short time here at Discedo in the past before I had to drop due to getting super busy. Her only post is up here!

$vriska serket, @discedo, !application

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