Well... I guess I should try to fill in this map I drew up in my little notebook...
Eghads, Pkmn can really absorb one's attention.
Mountain Sanctuary of Falconia
Maintains a small, but highly trained, army with a, primarily, river based navy in order to secure the borders and trade routes. They are quite content with the clearly defined river border and have effectively defended that boundary, so much so that Khili and Gaelid no longer contests any territory within Falconian territory. With fairly limited sea-faring capabilities, trade remains largely unaffected by the event where half the world fell under a 'shadow of darkness' thus the country continues to survive as it is. The nature of the country is of a more mystical nature and is greatly interested in balance in nature. The country maintains a cordial, but somewhat detached, relations with the 'fringe' countries of the Darconian Alliance and the nation of Pikana. Other nations only see the trade relations with the nation of Falconia.
A rotating counsel represents the nation. A decision is always made unanimously and one member is selected to announce the decision to the nation. Half this counsel is composed of representatives chosen by humans and the other half of this counsel is composed of those chosen by hybrids. Several other lesser counsels throughout the country primarily exists for administering and serving the needs of the various cities, towns, and villages in the country.
- The Spokesperson
- Simply announces the decision of the counsel.
- The Counsel
- Primary decision-makers of the country. Generally rotated through members of the respective candidacy lists. They tend to determine larger political issues such as trade, military, and international politics.
- Candidacy List
- These are individuals considered prominent and trustworthy in the nation as a whole and within the various neighborhoods scattered throughout the Falconian lands. Usually artisans of variety of functions or various positions upholding public interest (doctors, judges, etc.)
- Lesser Counsels
- There are generally composed of trusted figures in individual city, towns, and villages throughout the country and carry out activities key to the comfort and well-being of the people within their boundaries.
With the special abilities innate within the people of this country, the production of goods derived from trees remains a thriving engine behind the nation's economy. Moreover, the products of their education systems remain in high demand throughout the hemisphere, whether it be their medical practitioners or their mercenary services. However, unlike most mercenaries, they remain highly discerning about what assignments to accept, generally limiting their activities away from international wars. All members of the society are considered actors within the local economy.
The capital city is a securely nested citadel in a central mountain where a many springs rise up and supply the city with water. A highly developed activities surround the waters to ensure that the water remains pristine. Three other major strongholds watches the southern river border, the eastern and western ends of the southern borders have a citadel watching over the river, while a central stronghold remains a closely held secret hidden away in the dense forest that covers the lands. As noted, a dense forest covers the expanse of land around the citadel on the mountain hiding within it towns and villages throughout the nation.
Approximately 60% of the country lives outside the citadels while the three citadels house the rest of the population. 40% of the population are hybrids and enjoy unparalleled rights and representation within the government. However, such treatment is little known outside of the country and only rare trickles of fleeing slaves enters the boundaries of the country. The population as a whole is considered 'middle class' and are involved in trade. Hybrids of this country rarely leave this country for fear of prejudices that may exist in other countries.