
Aug 27, 2007 00:25

And one last one...

Free Republic of Pikana
Under a defacto government with no outright recognition from other nations, but with limited relations during hostilities from the 'fringe' nations of the Darconian Alliance and Falconia.  Formerly a republic under the administration of Elandria, however a slave rebellion, with unusual amount of preparation and coordination has led to the swift downfall of Elandrian administration on the island republic.  However, despite the instability, the rebelling slaves (entirely hybrid) maintain firm control over majority of the island, while Elandrian troops constantly battle to regain control.  The Republic of Elandria suspects there may be a third party involved in this battle, however no surviving unit has made any mention of unknown combatants.

The head of the group currently in control of the island, by and large, is the military leader of the rebels.  Although he has the power to make all the decisions, the leader rarely does so unless military expedience requires it.

  • The Rebel Leader
    • Little interested in the civilian aspects of administration and leaves much of that to commanders whose better trained and interested in such roles.  He concern lies primarily in pushing out Elandrian forces and securing the island in order to gain acknowledgment as a sovereign nation.
  • Commanders
    • Group of individuals whose ability is acknowledged by the Rebel Leader and whose loyalty to the Free Republic is considered secured.  All but about three of these commanders are mostly military leaders.  Three of the commanders are concerned with civilian law and order along with other necessities as needed.
  • Diplomats
    • Those sent out by the Rebel Leader to gain the attention of the world and/or obtain aid from government or renegade groups.  Only the most experienced, loyal, and smartest fighters are sent on these duties.  They have wide freedoms in determining who to request aid from and how to make that request, so long as it does not require heavy investment of already strained resources of the rebel government.
  • Allies
    • These are individuals that are as devoted to the cause of freedom... or opposed to the Elandrian government as the rebels are.  However, they are not entirely trusted to carry out duties.  Nonetheless, they are fairly independent and carry out missions as needed as the resources of the Republic of Elandria for outstrips the resources of the Free Republic of Pikana.
Economic activity has remained very weak with the population, by and large, surviving on domestic crops and outside aid.  Meanwhile, the Republic of Elandria maintains a blockade that limits economic activities.  In the meantime, specially trained and/or able individuals are able to continue to hamper the effectiveness of the blockade, thus allows some economic activity to continue.  Major exports of this country is primarily from the fishing industry as most other industries continue to suffer from Elandrian/Rebel conflicts and sabotage operations.

The terrain is very forested with some hills scattered in the landscape.  The Rebels maintain strong positions throughout the countryside.  However, both sides are well knowledgeable about the terrain and are in a constant flux over day-to-day combat.  Most cities and towns are on top of some hills and overlook areas that are cleared.  Small streams are scattered throughout the island, none are significant enough for charting or navigating larger vessels.

The population currently considered to have major control over the island are 90% hybrid, while the other 10% are humans at varying roles.  Most humans are those that are either former Elandrians that share the ideals with the hybrids or those from surrounding countries that share elements of the ideals that the rebel hybrids are representing.  There are no major classes formed, currently, due to the currently chaotic political environment.  However, military commanders do maintain some level of authority during the conflict.
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