Specialized Units of the Republic of Elandria

Oct 10, 2007 01:57

These things move slowly... lawdy...

Elandria - Royal Guards
Description: The ultimate defensive units of the magical world.  Their role is to protect the Queen and her interests, be it family, finances, or even the country itself.  They are trained, in every way possible, to absorb or prevent damage.  They are picked out amongst the sons of the nobles, after a determination of their loyalty, and trained vigorously.  They are highly regarded for their professionalism and strength.  However, they do suffer somewhat from arrogance due to their noble bloodline and can become somewhat reckless.

Magic - ****** (highly skilled in defensive spells, but require tools to utilize offensive spells)
Attack - **** (well trained in close range combat, but they lag in middle range combat)
Vitality - ****** (able to absorb many moderate blows and continue to function properly)
Speed - ***** (have moderate speed and agility, sufficient enough for any military unit)
Knowledge - **** (adaptive, strong capabilities in learning their surroundings in quick order; expert knowledge of the capital city by default)

Notable skills or special abilities:
Detection - Their ability to absorb the knowledge of the current surroundings makes it easier for these people to detect intruders.  They have the strongest attention to details and does not allow the unusual to escape their notice.  Limit: The strength of this ability does vary from person to person, most often based on seniority and the nature of the individual.
No Retreat - Regardless of the damage they themselves receive or the intimidation factor of the enemy, they draw upon their strength (and perhaps even the arrogance of their royal blood) to stand and fight.  Even if everyone else around them started to flee, these men will stand and fight to the last man.  They are a highly valued military presence as they lift the morale of allied forces and reduces the likelihood of a rout in an even battle.  Limit: Even strategical retreat is out of the question, they will refuse to give ground to the enemy at all costs.

Elandria - Senatorial Bodyguards
Description: They are a highly offensive unit that specializes in urban combat maneuvers.  Their role is to serve the interests of the senator who has selected them.  They are chosen amongst a pool of people that are closely related to the senator in any function, be it their own sons or even amongst their slaves.  They do not share the same reputation as their more royal counterparts and more often considered the hunting dogs of senators.  Wealthier senators have their own training facilities, while lesser senators rely on wealthier senators or on an established royal facility for the training of senatorial bodyguards, some senators have made contracts with other countries to train their bodyguards.

Magic - *** (have the potential to use spells, however most often need tools to utilize spells)
Attack - ***** (adaptable to use of various equipment and tools to carry out attacks)
Vitality - ****** (able to absorb many moderate blows and continue to function properly)
Speed - ******* (very high speed and high agility)
Knowledge - **** (fairly trainable, but with major limitations on non-native abilities)

Notable skills or special abilities:
Trance - It allows the user to fully mimic the abilities of whichever country or has trained them.  Limit: Their physical stats remain the same, they are unable to mimic units of non-magic nations, and the sheer magnitude of their abilities are halved compared to native units.
Statistic Boost - Allows a temporary doubling of a single statistic for a short amount of time.  Limit: The amount of time that the boost lasts is incredibly short.

The Republic of Elandria - Overall
Power of the Royal Blood - Those with royal blood has a stronger and stronger innate ability to use the native magic spells in accordance to the degree at which royal blood is in the individual.  A highly secretive ritual is carried out in order to ensure that the Queen would always have 100% royal blood.  Those with royal blood between 75% to 100% are able to embed magic into items permanently regardless of the 'wholeness' of the object.  50% to 74% are able to do embed magic into items so it would last so long as the item remains physically 'whole' (aka shape may be changed, but pieces cannot be broken off).
Magic-orientated Technology - Primarily through the combination of magic and technology to manipulate magic or to magnify magic to meet the needs of the user(s).
Heavy Discrimination against Hybrids - Hybrids are locked out of any and all palace business and they remain, as a whole, slaves of the country and serve whichever whim their owners wish.  Humans have access to many avenues of power, but there are restrictions based on bloodlines.
Elandria's Blessing - Since the elemental base of Elandria's magic is water, Elandria's units gain the advantage of being able to gain heightened senses in areas that has fog, rain, or a body of water.
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