The End of Live Journal as we know it.

Oct 30, 2012 20:25

I'm sure everyone has seen the ugly blue bar at the top of our friends page. That beta friends page will be official and irreversible soon. And that is not the end of it.

No more paid accounts in spring. That means no more customization, no more extra icons, no more perks from paid features.

And this is what Live Journal will soon look like:

Click around in it. That is how our journals and friends pages will look when they are finished changing Live Journal into a entirely Cyrillic service. And it looks like it's coming faster than I had anticipated.

Right now Dreamwidth, for all of its shortcomings, looks real good. Good news is that now you don't need an invite to create a journal there, and you can import all of your Live Journal over there, too. Entries, tags, comments, custom friends groups, icons...

DW doesn't have a image hosting yet, and I'm hoping they will soon. For now you can still link to your scrapbook here.

I don't want to lose contact with anyone when we are pretty much finally forced to leave LJ, so I'm hoping you will friend me over there at my mirror journal. Some of you already have. If you make a Dreamwidth journal, by all means add me to your circle and I will do the same. at

ETA: Confirmation on ending paid subscriptions Translates to "Yes, the promo will be seen by all users, including paysites. By the way, soon we will cancel the paid accounts." The info isn't so clear about permanent accounts, maybe they will be left alone. This is projected to be about early summer.

ETA: Clarification. Paid accounts will not be terminated, but allowed to run through for how long they are paid for.
(thank you, Wanderingray for the link.)

And astronewt's post:

What will be offered instead are "sets" or features. Everyone will have the same basic king of account, but can pay for features. What these features or sets will be, who knows? Layouts? More icon slots? Userheads?

From what I understand from bing translations is that LJ paid accounts as we know them now will no longer be offered in early summer next year. And it will not be until that time they will tell us more of what they will offer.

What's problematic to me is waiting that long to find out will they have customizable layouts? Which is important to a lot of us who get migraines, myself included. Extra icon packages? Other features that many of us have found useful on LJ? Or, are they going to be uncustomizable layouts for sale like on Tumblr?

Permanent accounts will remain permanent, but they might have to exchange the old LJ style of layouts, etc, for the new premium sets. There is no information on this yet.

Honestly, LJ's, or SUP's, track record of keeping us informed, and customer service has been less than stellar. So it is not surprising that a lot of us are not going to be that patient to find out in 7, 8 months what will be offered, if anything is worth losing features that some people have come to rely on, such as comment titles.

Adding this link: as it lists future updates of LJ.

ETA: We're destroying their reputation.............

I also want to add thanks for those from Dreamwidth who have been dropping in to give good infotmation about Dreamwidth.


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