Title: The End
Pairings/Characters: Hints at Harry/Ginny (Yech, I wrote het?)
Rating: G
Word count: ~300
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement intended.
Note: Angsty Drabble, because they're fun. It's 1am, take with chocolate. ^.^
The End
Suspiciously wet green eyes followed her curly red hair until it disappeared into the masses of London. He blindly fumbled for his wallet, and left enough change on the table of the café to cover three times what he had eaten.
Harry had never thought that it would end like this.
He forced himself to turn and walk the other way. As he passed a corner market, he spotted an elderly woman frowning at the darkening sky while pulling out an umbrella. He dropped the bouquet of roses into her wicker basket and walked away, ignoring her happy, but confused eyes on his back.
He didn't even know the end was coming.
The rain started when he was still two blocks from Grimmauld Place. It was as if the very heavens were crying in his place. He was drenched by the time he reached his front door, but Harry barely noticed. He blindly stripped his wet jacket and toed off his shoes before stumbling into the living room.
In all the stories, the end happened when the hero rode off into the sunset with the princess.
Harry let his head sag against the mantle as the fire roared to life. Even with his eyes closed, he could feel the gazes of the photographs. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out the black box. The young man placed it in front of a photo to his left and sadly met the green eyes within.
“It looks like I'm going to be holding onto your ring for a bit longer Mum.”
Five minutes later found Harry in a dry pair of pajama bottoms and crawling into bed. He buried his face in his favorite pillow and let the tears come. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't dream of her voice or of another man now in her bed.