Not exactly Nano, Day 1

Nov 12, 2006 21:21

Well-- it took me forever. I would have been glued to the laptop all day if I had aimed for an actual nano word goal. But I did get a whole 507 words.

Anyway, from today's output (whether it turns up in the final product, who knows...)

From Dangerous Words in a Foreign Language, Chapter Four: Of the Inconvenience of Professors, Friends, Parents, Aunts and Dark Lords

Draco was still, technically, looking at Granger. But he had stopped actually seeing her ages ago, her bushy head being no more than a convenient place to park his unfocused eyes, when they weren't obsequiously being diverted to a spot on the hem of Snape's robes. But now her hand shot up. And he saw her afresh: Her arm waving insistently, her slim and swotty body practically quivering, as if knowledge was about burst from every orifice and pore, her brown eyes fixed on him, burning with impatience and excitement.

And with something that absurdly, disconcertingly resembled concern.

507 / 9,500

dramione, d/hr, dwfl

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