Well, yesterday was a wash. I tried, I really did. But I was busy during the day, and come 8 pm, I couldn't keep my eyes open. So I'm atoning by doing two 300 word sessions today. Which is nowhere close to the 1000 I ought to be doing, I know. But I'm all about the turtle winning the race.
"The three elemental components, according to Sidra Soterius," recited Granger, in the sing-song tones of a first year, "that combine to form the transcending whole of the human soul."
Strictly speaking true. But not in anyway relevant. Surely Snape would cut her short now, with one of his patented Gryffindor put-downs.
"Intriguing," said Snape. Without an ounce of perceptible sarcasm.
Draco selected a flap of skin and muscle on his right forearm. And pinched it. Viciously hard, with a maximum penetration of fingernail into flesh. But no joy. Despite all appearances to the contrary, this was not a nightmare.
"And how would you say this relates to Dee's assertion, Miss Granger?" Snape asked. In a tone almost edging, surreally, on approval.
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