Title: Tis the Season for Unusual and Wonderful Things to Happen part 1
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Dick/Roy/Tim, Bruce/Clark, Kon, Kara,Damian, Ace, Krypto, Barbara, Ra's Al Ghul, Jervis Tetch
Summary: Once upon a Christmas time Dick and Roy met a bird in a cage
Word Count: 3766
Warnings: AU, humor
A/N: Well yeah
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Comments 11
I love this 'verse and all the steampunk touches you've given it! So many cool things, though I see that Dick's fashion sense holds true here too. XD
Hope that we get to see more soon!
Merry Christmas sweetie!
I'm so glad you you like this verse, it's my first time doing Steampunk so I'm glad it came out okay. And yeah Dick's fashion sense - or lack there of - just had to follow over. :)
Hopefully I can get the other parts quickly now that the holidays are over. Happy Holidays to you and your hubby.
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I think I'll be excited with you and I know what's going to happen 8D
(And Tim can't you what's going on, he doesn't know "gasp")
I'm so glad you enjoyed this first part hon.
So glad you enjoyed this, thank you for reading. Hope your Christmas was great and have a wonderful New Year!
Merry Christmas hon!
And I hope you had a great Christmas.
Wow, what a set up you've got here! I love the dream opening, it nicely hooks the audience and gives us some perspective and insight into the characters and situation. You did a good job also establishing the world this takes place in, as well as the respective characters' positions in it. I'm eager to see what happens at this meeting of the Lords, and how Roy and Dick figure out that they need to save Tim.
This is a really fantastic start, and I look forward to reading more of this story!
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