Title: A Charming Fairy Tale Come True: part 2
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Roy, Jason, Dick, Damian, Zachery Zatara, (mentions of Tim and Maleficent)
Summary: The road of true love is a long and winding. You are just at the beginning of it,
Word Count: 1768
Warnings: Cross-over with Sleeping Beauty, angst
A/N: For
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Comments 13
NOW I can't wait to see where you take this.
Thank you for sharing baby.
And poor Roy, he's got so many emotions going on right now he doesn't know how to sort them all out. And the next part will have Tim and Maleficent back as well as a couple of other characters that will be new to the DC universe. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the next part too.
Great job on this chapter! I loved the banter and back and forth between the very distinctive characters. I thought you captured their voices really well, especially Damian's and Dick's. And I adore Zach being involved in this!
Looking forward to more! Terrific job, my dear!
The banter was fun to right especially Jason and Damian, love writing them all snarky. And Zach's going to be a fun addition to everything.
And I still have to do your Birdwatching ficlet. Will probably get it done tomorrow. And I don't know if you've seen this yet but I figured I'd just leave this here for you.
And good clarification, I wasn't sure where exactly Maleficent had taken Tim, so I just assumed back to her world. I think it will be even more interesting to see just where she's hidden him in Gotham/the DCU. Oh the possibilities!
Thank you for reading.
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