So I was partaking in my daily dosage of
Fark when I stumbled across something I just had to share.
British House of Commons Hansard Debates Now, I'm going to do everyone in here a favor and explain why we should be interested in something going on over in Britian, so what could our moldy-teethed counterparts across the pond possibly do to get me interested in their tea-drinking, crumpet-eating shenanigans?
The Rolling Stones are on tour again,
but I still don't give a shit.
Princess Di was killed in a car accident a few years back,
it had my attention until I was done laughing.
In the Hansard Debates, someone openly claims to be a Jedi,
OMFG WTF?!? ROFL!!! LOL!!! LMAO!!!1! 4 BR1715H J3D1???!? OMFG... BR1715H J3D1 = M4D 1337 .... IF YOU DON'T LIKE BRITISH JEDIS, UR IQ DEFF ============ 0!! D4R7H 8R0WN W1LL PWN T3H J3D1 ... 517H 10RD < J3D1 4NY D4Y 0F T3H W33K... especially on Thursday nights at 8:00 on UPN... WWE SMACKDOWN BITCHES... JEDIS VS. THE SITH IN A STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE WORLD TITLE!!!
WARNING: Reading of entire message in one sitting may result in aneurisms of the brain, please consult a doctor before viewing.
Now, I can imagine a lot of you want to know what in the blue fuck I'm even talking about... so here you go (taken from the link above):
"Mr. Jamie Reed (Copeland) (Lab): I crave the indulgence of the House in interrupting such an important and enjoyable debate to deliver my maiden speech. Furthermore, as the first Jedi Member of this place, I look forward to the protection under the law that will be provided to me by the Bill..."
Yes, this Brit actually admitted to being a Jedi. A FUCKING JEDI! This guy kicks ass, I couldn't even find a picture or bio of him, but it doesn't fucking matter... he's a goddamn Jedi. FUCK MAN... get him some new knickers, make him Prime Minister and cast him as the new James Bond, this fucker deserves it.
However, as any pizza-faced, plastic light-saber wielding assbag that lives in their parent's basement (or attic, in my and Lemon's cases) knows, you can't have the Jedi without having the Sith...