Kyle Brown vs. the Police Dept.: Part 72: Brown's Revenge

Aug 19, 2005 13:14

Oh man, did yesterday ever suck.
I think my tickets to the Colts game might have fallen through, there was a problem at the bank with my account and some outstanding balance I don't know anything about, apparently the treasury sent my boss a packet about wage garnishments since they waited two years to contact me about overpaying me when I was in the military, the alternator on the Brownmobile may have something wrong with it, and I was planning on going to see someone over the weekend and she thinks I'm just using the whole alternator thing as an excuse to not show up...
Dear God...
However, the best, yet most insignificant slap on the face life dealt me yesterday was a parking ticket...

Yes, children, a measly, $3 parking ticket.
However, here's the kicker on that one. I went to get my hair cut and highlighted, also going to get some guitar picks downtown, leaving fifteen cents in the parking meter, which bought me 90 minutes.
I got out of my car and put the change in at exactly 2:02, returning to my car at 3:37 to find a parking ticket... so, math majors, that means that in the five minutes that the meter had actually been expired, I got a parking ticket. At first, I was suprised that someone who works for the city was actually doing their job... but the more I thought about it, the more it pissed me off.

Now, while I can't really do anything shitty to the bank or the treasury (at least nothing Al-Qaeda or George Bush hasn't already done), or how I'm getting the alternator replaced this afternoon, and since there's no real reason to do anything to the Colts since they'll choke in the playoffs anyway... that leaves the Police Dept. to suffer some of my frustration.

So, I've decided to go out of my way to be an ass... by paying for my parking ticket in change.

Expect a quality letter to the editor in the Journal Review if I hear as much as one word from them about this...
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