I have had a horrible day today. Just one thing after another...
I have had a horrible day today. Just one thing after another...
1. I get to work and can't get in cause the building is locked. My key won't work and I have no idea what's going on. I call my boss at home, hating to do it, cause this is the first day of her vacation, and she tells me the maintenance guy is supposed to come at 6:30 to let me in cause the rekeyed the locks.
Okay. Now, why she couldn't have called and told me that so I didn't wait downstairs for God knows how long is beyond me. But, whatever.
Than the maintenance guy dosen't unlock the door for half an hour. My sister and I are waiting down there for 30 minutes before he "remembers" that we can't get in. Great.
2. While I'm on the phone with my boss, she tells me that these two gay kids who work for us, who went to break on Monday and just never came back, had one of their mothers call and quit for them both. And not just that. They told her that the reason was that another supervisor and myself are both homophobic and harrassing them.
Okay. Let that sink in. Me. Homophobic. Me, who writes slash, loves Jeffree Star, and is obviously NOT homophobic... GAH.
The worst part is, I liked these kids. I talked to them about Jeffree Star and stuff... They know better than that. And this is coming outta left field for me, cause I thought we were on good terms. So I'm hurt, shocked, diappointed, betrayed... I've been upset all day about it. I know I didn't do anything wrong. I've never been that kind of person. But it hurts.
3. And then, to top it all off, a girl I work with, who is a friend of mine, told me that on Wednesday, when I called off sick, my boss was bitching about me all day. Because I was sick. Again.
Okay. Here's my attendance for last year: 3 absences, 13 partials (where I came in to work but had to leave early due to illness). I am a salarie demployee, and , as such, I earn sick leave. I had plenty of sick leave to cover my absences this week, which totaled 16 hours. My boss, last year, had 10 absences and 3 partials. So, basically, we're pretty even, except that when I'm sick I normally drag my butt in to work so I can do what HAS to be done. Cause no one knows how to do my work but me. Yeah. But that doesn't matter, I guess.
Cause my boss was bitching about how I "need to do something about my health" and how she's "never known anyone so sick all the time". Yeah. And she was saying this to my friend, who I supervise. Yes. She's complaining about me to someone I supervise.
As long as I have the sick leave, I am ENTITLED to take it when I need to, whether it's convenient for her or not. Bitching about it just brings everybody down. So WHAT THE FUCK?
I really want to quit this job. I hate her. I hate being stabbed in the back by people I like and respect. I hate al the bullshit that I have to go through to be "fair" to these people when they aren't "fair" to me.
And now I don't know who to trust, cause according to the kid's mom, they aren't the only ones who think I'm homophobic. Or whatever. So I can't trust my coworkers and I can't trust my boss and I HATE that.
I think I'm going to share how upset I am with the upper level boss. She's a nice lady, so she's not someone I don't feel comfortable talking to. I just don't want this to destroy my working relationship with my boss. And it easily could. If I go "over her head", she'll never forgive me and never get over it. But I don't think this kinda stuff is okay. I was SICK, for God's sake. And this isn't the first time she's done this kinda thing to me. She won't stop if I don't say anything. And if I wait til she gets back from vacation and talk to her directly, she'll brush it off like she always does. I don't want that, either.
I need a new job. This one is too much for me. I can't handle it anymore.