Yuletide 2013

Oct 07, 2013 20:27

Hello, Mystery Author! I'm super excited to be participating in Yuletide, and I will be beyond thrilled with anything you want to write. I love all ratings and nothing squicks me. If you want, details for specific fandoms are below.

Request 1: The Hour

Things I love: Bel's face, Freddie's face, Bel + Freddie's friendship, Bel/Freddie epic romance of pining and angst and hilarity and poor timing, Bel/Hector/Freddie (basically I will love you forever if you write me OT3 fic, mystery author), Bel + Lix friendship, Marnie being awesome. That scene in season one where Bel hangs out with Freddie when he's in the tub. That scene in season one where Bel and Freddie hang out at a bar and talk about the future. Spies. Communist shenanigans.

Things I do not love: character death.

Request 2: Scandal
For the love of all that is good in the world, won't someone please write Mellie/Olivia fic? Or Mellie/Olivia/Fitz? Hang on, I have to go drown all my Mellie feels in a bottle of wine. God, Fitz is terrible, the ladies should just go be awesome without him. I don't actually know what I want more: Mellie/Olivia or Mellie/Olivia/Fitz. THERE IS NO BAD.

I also like Cyrus and James. And their fat drooling baby.

Request 3: Earth: Final Conflict
This was my first fandom. I am going to spend the rest of my life unable to find closure regarding its treatment of Liam and his raging daddy issues. All I want is fic where Sandoval finds out Liam is his son, THE SON HE HAS BEEN SEARCHING FOR! And there are alien plots and political issues and family feels and an ENDING, please just give me closure, DAMN YOU, SHOW.

Request 4: Newsflesh trilogy
Insufficient time with Shaun and Georgia in the books, please remedy. I loved all the characters, though, especially Becks and Mahir and Buffy and Maggie and, well, everyone who worked for After the End Times. Would love to see more of Shaun and Georgia's relationship, especially from an outside perspective.

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