Random thoughts from OSCAR::
- I miss the first part of 'On the Red Carpet'. But I guess I didn't miss much, did I?
- I just love Jon Stuart. From the opening til the end. Now THIS is a classy host for you.
- Stuart and Clooney. In bed. Together. Yum.
- Nicole, can you look more.. er.. royalty? haha..
- Clooney's exceptance speech. Ok, Dr.Ross, I forgive you for wearing that bat suit with nipples. Now I'd only worship you, k?
- How come Jessica Alba didn't present with Hayden Christensen? I once heard that's a plan to promote 'Awake', isn't it???
- What is it with these clips? Is there supposed to be theme somewhere? It's fun to see, yeah, but.... err...
- I hate it with there're two ppl getting the award and one of them decided to use all the time that they have. That sucks.
- Itzhak Perlman played it better than the music version. Really. Gustavo Santaolalla's score turns into an epic with him.
- But WHAT? Score for Brokeback Mountain? WHAT?!?!?!?!? Seriously, how many years do you think John Williams have left?.. ERG!
- I love the speech of that guy who won for Tsotsui. Makes me regret even more haven't seen the film.
- Jennifer Garner. Force. Hasn't you gave birth a few months ago? I mean.. Don't you supposed to be filming ALIAS again already? Why am I still seeing an (almost) pregnant woman???????????
- "I do my won stunt."........................er...
- The penquins!!! YEAH! (Not surprising, but again, YEAH!)
- Rachel Weizz (sp?) totally deserves it. I also forgive you for running around with those mummies.
- Since when that just re-creating Japanese is a good art-direction? Then why didn't you give it to The Last Samurai???
............................Oh. Right. The Last Samurai was in the same year ROTK just got everything. - Uma is the name of a goddess, and I worship thee.
- Too bad Felicity didn't won.
- Jack Nicholson. Yeah, baby, yeah.
(and now the SW fangirls in me says....)
- Anakin's downfall and Palpatine's transformation wasn't enough for an Oscar in makeup... *le sigh*
- I'm also glad King Kong didn't wear makeup.
- No visual effects nominated? GL should fire the War of the World team out of ILM for making it better than the movie of the house'. (Kidding! Of course..)
- It should be the score of ROTS with MUNICH from John Williams instead of Geisha. I really don't know what's the fuss's about with that movie. It's good, yeah. But it's not that good. But well, at least they didn't nominated Zhang Ziyi. (I'd better go with Kong Li (sp?)