The people that matter

Nov 23, 2009 04:24

Eunice is asleep next to me. More than at any other time in my life, or maybe more clearly now, I genuinely feel that she is my sister. She spent over an hour getting dressed and make-up'ed to go out tonight, and when I saw her all dolled up (as I've seen her countless times), the only thing I thought was: I need to watch out for creepy guys hitting on her. That's it; I was concerned. I've never had a sister as a "blood" relative, but I think I get it. She's family. No matter what, I will watch out for her and I've got her back. I know she's got mine too, but that's not even important to me. All that matters to me is that I am here for her. That's family.

Having Eunice here has made me wish the people I love could play larger roles in my life. For example, I wish I could go out for a drink with Marcus, Neema, Ben, Shimmy, Nelson, Jeff, Glen, Jay or (even) Scott whenever we feel like it, that they weren't all so damn far away. The quality of my time would increase exponentially. There are many great things about striking off on your own and trailblazing new experiences, but there's no getting around the extraordinary value that certain people provide. I may meet a million people in my life, get to know thousands of them, but it's a magnificent rarity, a treasure, to call someone a brother or a sister and sincerely mean it, blood relations or otherwise.

I feel that I don't convey how much I value the people I love enough. I'm not as good as it as I'd like to be. The fact is, if money were no longer an option starting tomorrow, well, yes I would travel far and wide and have many adventures, but the first thing I would do is visit, visit, visit my friends and family. I could spend many months just sharing good times with the people I care about. That would be enough.

Every time I have asked myself what I would do if I were to die tomorrow, my answer has been unequivocally the same: I would tell the people I love how much they mean to me, how much I want them to have rich and fulfilling lives. It's not that I never express my joy and gratitude, and maybe I'm just being a clichéd romantic, but it doesn't seem that I do this nearly or emphatically enough. I don't do it justice.

To all of you out there, you know who you are:

Thank you, so much, and I love you.

<3 <3 <3 :]
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