
Nov 30, 2005 15:00

ok, I suck at college. I definatly failed a test today. Absolutly no way i passed. I could have studied all day yesterday but i just couldnt get myself to do it. Also, i need to start practicing guitar more. i usually just spend the day before class and hten the morning of getting the basics of what needs to be done. i need to practice at ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

carsonsibley December 2 2005, 01:52:54 UTC
your taking guitar? thats fucking sweet. i dig it. dude motion city is playing in minneapolis on the 17th, i say we jump on that shit. im going you should come it would be sweet to see them in their home town. first avenue would be crazy. talk to me if your in. tell every person you know.


darwood_dvb December 4 2005, 04:59:25 UTC
17th of december? because if so i cant, if its like a month or so i'd consider it


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