No, I did not just get back from New York, that would be too awesome.
But I did attend our school's semi-formal last night, and (strangely enough) had a BLAST. Now, those of you who know me IRL might say, 'Daryth, why in pluperfect hell would you willingly go to a dance, and not only that, but have a good time?' Well, my dear friends, this is because I let go of my insane need for control over every aspect of everything, as well as shoving my fear of criticism to the back of my brain, and just let go. And danced.
Apparently I'm not half bad (I got a compliment on my dancing. From a male. WTF).
After the dance was the after-party, which I actually attended. I know, shock and awe, Daryth went to an after-party? Where there is only alcohol and opportunities to fail socially? AND YET. It is true that I saw more people get intentionally drunk than I ever have in my life before, but it was more interesting than frightening. I also had alcohol forced upon me when it became clear that I wasn't drinking any, but hey - I've got a pretty high tolerance for the stuff. I had the opportunity to hang out with some friends, exercise my social skills (which are, in fact, getting better - LE GASP), and relax a little. Sure, it meant that I got very little sleep last night, and will be exhausted come Monday, but isn't that worth a little bit of fun in my crazy life? Maybe this 'partying' thing isn't as terrible as I previously thought...