I have decided to up the stakes just a bit. Since the incident at our last base, it has been my thought that we need, as a whole, a little more experience in combat. As such, I have taken the Tyrant 002 as our main target for practice. I will also be using it for some viral cocktail tests later on down the road.
The second specimen is coming in as a gift for Redfield and his group. Once I have harvested what I need from it, done what training I can from it, and have gained it's unique mutated gene, I'll ship it off to Brooklyn for a test run.
Ozwell Spencer and E.R Wilson. If you get a hit, forward me the information sometime soon, use some of our weapons account money, and purchase a HK PSG 1.
I'm going to need you in Atlanta sometime soon if either of those names come up in the list.
Comments 12
Mm. Something is amiss.
The second specimen is coming in as a gift for Redfield and his group. Once I have harvested what I need from it, done what training I can from it, and have gained it's unique mutated gene, I'll ship it off to Brooklyn for a test run.
Ozwell Spencer and E.R Wilson. If you get a hit, forward me the information sometime soon, use some of our weapons account money, and purchase a HK PSG 1.
I'm going to need you in Atlanta sometime soon if either of those names come up in the list.
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