(no subject)

Nov 03, 2011 23:43

[Player name] Lulu
[Age] 26
[Personal Journal] lulutiffany
[Other characters currently played]
Soubi / Loveless/
Mary Weather / Godchild / silverbellchild

[Character name] Rainbow Dash
[Age] unknown
[Canon] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Generation 4
[Point in time taken from canon] After the Nightmare Moon Episode


Rainbow Dash is confident and brash, She has the utmost confidence in her abilities, though she can become extremely nervous in the face of competition. This can make her trip up at times, but over all, she’s a top class competitor. Her cutie mark represents her inner talent that makes her different from all other ponies, and this is a rainbow bolt from a cloud. It represents her need for speed and her love of competition. Rainbow Dash will go to any length that she needs to in order to win. Racing is her life.

She can also seem lazy at times though. This is from her over confidence in her skills. She doesn’t feel the need to show off unless challenged. When she is challenged though, she puts her all into the competition. Sometime she will end up cheating, but it is rare since she wants to earn her title fair and square. She’s a fair and good team leader, as shown by the fact that she was made the leader of the weather team during winter wrap up.

Her element of harmony is Loyalty, and it is her biggest strength. She is always willing to put her friends over herself, as shown in the first episode of season one when she refused the offer of the “shadow bolts” to become their leader because she had to help her friends first She may be brash, and seem like she’s rude, but she never means to hurt any pony.

Rainbow dash loves pranks, and especially when she plays them with Pinkie Pie. The two ponies will only target people who can handle the pranks though. That is, unless it’s on Nightmare night. She loves to prank every pony on that night that is brave enough to venture out. Of course, she says that it’s in all fun, but they can cause problems for some people at times.


[Other important stuff]

[Sample post]
[First Person]

- What do you think of your home world?’
Equestria is the BEST! Ponyville is just awesome!

- If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
HELL yes! I have to become a part of the Wonderbolts after all!

- What were you doing before now?
Living in Ponyville, taking care of the weather, practicing to become part of the Wonderbolts!

- If you were to describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?
AWESOME! The Iron Pony!

- If someone provoked or attacked you, what would you do?
Kick their butt!

- Would you consider yourself a power hungry individual?
What? No. I just want to be one of the Wonderbolts.

- Someone comes to you to ask for the time. How would you respond?
Do I look like a clock?

- Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
Kick their butt!

- If I offered to save your soul for a price, would you go with it and why?
Save my soul? What the hay are you talking about?

- Do you stand up against authority, go against all odds, and if you could, pierce the heavens with your fighting spirit? If not, would you if you could?
… [laughs] You’re funny. I always do what Princess Celestia tells me.
- Would you consider yourself a hero or a villain? Why? Neither is an option as well, but still tell why.
Hero, duh.
- If you could have any super ability, what would it be and why?
I already have a super ability! Though if I could add something to become part of the Wonderbolts, then sign me up!

- You're asked to take someone out for a date. Do you agree? If so, describe what you would do. If not, tell why.
Sure! Why not? We can go watch the Wonderbolts!

- Your country is in the middle of a war. What do you think of it? Do you support it or try to solve it yourself by going on an epic quest? Explain.
War?! Oh no! is Princess Celestia okay?! I have to help!

- You are a given a mission. Would you complete it effectively or would you goof off and do something else? Expand a little on the response.
I’d do everything that I could to finish my mission! People are counting on me! I have to do it!

- Murder. What is your opinion?
That’s just not even pony!

- You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?
I have to save my friend! I’m the fastest flier in all of Equestria, so of course I’ll be able to catch the bad guy. Even if it does take forever, saving my friend would be more important.

- You discover someone stalking you. Do you call the police or deal with it yourself?
Beat them up!

- What is more important to you: having friends or living on your own? Why?
Friends, duh!

- You just got a challenge to fight from one of the strongest gang leaders around. Do you accept or reject? Why?
ACCEPT! No one beats me!.. what are we fighting about?

- There is a cake in the rain. What do you do?
Kick a whole in the clouds and get it, duh. Cake is awesome.

- Do you prefer adventure or the peaceful life?

- You are suddenly told you are the child of an ancient prophecy to save the world. How do you feel? Will you embark on your journey? Or would you rather shove it onto someone else and run away? Explain.
Cool. So I get to go on adventures? I’ll save everyone!

- If you could destroy a city, how would you do it?
Hu, no.

- If you could fight in a giant robot, what would it be and what would you do?
I would kick their butt with my flying skills! Sonic Rainboom is a great attack and did you see me destroy that barn? I’ll win, no sweat.

- You see a bloody knife on the floor. What do you do or think?
It looks like raspberry jam.

- Would you consider yourself a lover, a hater, a sinner, or a saint? Or maybe a mix of both?
I’m a fighter!

- Is the best part of waking up having Folger's in your cup?
What the hay is that?

- If you could change your current lifestyle or job career, what would it be?
I want to be one of the Wonderbolts!

- Do you have any future goals or dreams? What are they?
The wonderbolts! I just HAVE to join them!

- Am I asking too many personal or strange questions?
Nah. You’re funny.

- Oh look, there's a double rainbow! [For this prompt, write how your character would react if someone randomly shouted and pointed to the sky saying this line.]
Huh, the weather ponies must have had a mess up.

- Can you surpass God?
Who’s god?

- Also, your thoughts on symmetry?
Um, it’s okay?

- Some angry birds come to you to help them defeat some evil green pigs. Do you help them out?
Sure! Things that are evil should be kicked!

- Do you believe you can fly? Do you believe you can touch the sky?
Uh, duh. [flaps her wings]

- Hey, did you hear about that giant sale going on? Interested? What would you want to get?
Ew. No way.

- You find yourself on a robot unicorn. What do you do?
Uh, get off and say sorry?

- You find yourself with a cute, little penguin slave. What do you do with it?
Have it fetch stuff for me!

- Do you believe in the magic of friendship?

- How is space?
… Spacy?

- You are told that this is a dream world, but you must go deeper. What are your first thoughts?
If it’s a dream world, then why do I have work in it? Shouldn't I be sleeping?

- What pleases you the most?

- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Ask Fluttershy.

- The blue pill or the red pill?
The blue one! Like my coat!

[Third Person]
It was just so FRUSTRATING! Every time that Rainbow Dash was able to kick all the stupid clouds out of the sky, they would come back!. She was super fast of course, but nothing was working. This stupid dream world was really getting on her last never. She looked up at the clouds and hoofed at the ground. “It is ON!”

Rainbow dashing into the sky and kicked out all of the clouds in the sky with as much force as she could and as fast as she had ever done it before! Seven seconds flat! She had been able to shave off three seconds from her best time! “Oh YEAH!” I STILL GOT IT!” Dash danced around the skies.

Well, she did until the stupid clouds came back, AGAIN! “What the HEY?! This isn’t right at all!” and she just screamed and flew around in the sky in a circle. If she couldn’t kick the clouds out of the way, then maybe she could gather them all together. She made a twister in the air and gathered them all into the center. Unfortunately the people of Somarium started to yell up at her when things started to go flying everywhere.

“Whoops” Rainbow dash laughed as she slowed down and made the twister disappear. “Sorry!” She laughed sheepishly and flew to land on one of the clouds that she had gathered. “Stupid dream world. I can’t wait to get back to Ponyville.” It was terrible for Rainbow Dash to be here. She missed her friends. Sure, Fluttershy and Big Mac were here, but that wasn’t everyone! Plus, there was no way for her to try out for the Wonder bolts! This dream world was just awful!!!

What could Dash do though? She just sighed and lowered her head onto the cloud, blowing at it. “I Wonder what Applejack and the rest are doing now.” Probably resting since there wasn’t anything to harvest. She could be helping her perfect her signature moves! But NOOOO. Dash rolled on her back and kicked her feet. “I hate this place!!”

She hopped up then. “Time to do the sonic boom!” Since she couldn’t fix things, Dash would race high in the sky! She flew and flew as fast as she could! With her hair whipping in the wind, Dash could smile again. “YEAH! Never going to stop!” and then she did it, the sonic rainboom! It was great! Dash made the rainbow arch over the entire city and people cheered! This was what the pony lived for!

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Because she’s a silly lil filly! 8D
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] no meta-gaming. It should always be a rule!
[Any questions?] Where does she go if she flies straight out?

app, soma

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