Free Animal Therapy (Burupya, Amaterasu)
Nice Explosion - lol cat and crow (Ikki, Gokudera)
Nice Explosion - so you're the mom (Fay)
Nice Explosion - so you're the dad (Kurogane)
Austria is a hot chick (Hungary, Austria)
Moogles on Strike (Adachi Tohru)
Godwin's Law and other things (Axel)
Ping'd by fire and fighting uho (Radu, Itachi)
Think they really wanna kill each other (Ikki)
A-Tard Update - Crow boss (Ikki)
A-Tard Update - ore wa hero da my ass (America, Ikki)
A-Tard Update - (Agito)
A-Tard Update - (Kazu)
A-Tard Update - (Nakayama)
A-Tard Update - (Benkei)
A-Tard Update - (Faust)
A-Tard Update - (Tsuna)
A-Tard Update - (Zexion)
... what the fuck. (Apollo, Klavier, Deb)
[golf claps] (Konatsu, Mikage, Raphael, Raikou, Ikki)
Royal Tea Party - Serving the crow (Ikki)
Royal Tea Party - Meeting Death (Death)
Royal Tea Party - Getting to know you (Fay)
Royal Tea Party - Fellow servant person (England)
Royal Tea Party - Dude, he's totally a country (Arthur)
Royal Tea Party - On the servant side (Mikage)
Library - Flopped on a reading couch \o (Maes Hughes, Ritsuka, Austria)
Library - KGB and Stasi, lol (Zhores)
Ebonics lessons (Japan, Echo)
Dancing dishes in the messhall (Dean)
Srs Poll - And then I'll smash it with a a hammer (Rabi, Hungary, Zexion, Ikki, Axel)
Srs Poll - So about Naked Day... (Deb)
You're so fine, you blow my mind! (Deb, Takanari)
- Wish you were fine, you hurt my mind! (Hungary)
Italian innabox! - Kicking tomato juice boxes is fun (Romano Italy)
Italian innabox! - Well, there goes the honeymoon (Germany)
Italian innabox! - It's another country-tan! (Mikage)
Italian innabox! - Loud Italian is loud (Mokona)
Confession Booth - It's a sin I'm so fucking awesome (Devit, anon, Ikki, Zhores)
Confession Booth - Bringing back memories (Doyle)
Confession Booth - Not a Father, man (Link)
17th -
Have camera, will take pictures. Ringo, Ikki, Negi, Mikage, Itachi, Mokona, Amaterasu, Neji, Link, Deb, Wilhelm, Switzerland, Dark Ace, Latvia, Sweden, Domiyoji Tsubaki, Chie Satonaka, Vegeta, Ken, Touda, Firo, Patty, Gant, Rose, Nakayama, Nanba Io, Zhores Barsoukova, Okita Souji, Greece, Chii, Hige, Austria, Rabi, Faust, Klavier, Rhode (Zexion, Ikki), Dr. Walter Bishop, Italy, Spain.