Jul 03, 2005 19:33
Yup, that it is. Not much to say, other than I'm not sure if I'll ever have much to say. In any case, hello to those unfortunate to stumble across this Livejournal! May whatever deity you pray to have mercy on your non-physical essence...
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Comments 7
Plus, well, I also have a thing for large-scale destruction. the more destruction, the more I like it. Black holes are pretty much the ultimate cool thing in my book.
I don't know about black holes, though. Too total, like a serial killer who just goes straight to the killing, without all the fun torturing, first. (Clearly, fun is a relative term in this conversation.) From an astronomical standpoint, it seems to me a supernova would be a more fun destructive force, because you can actually see the destruction.
As for black holes: Only partly true. While you can't see the black hole, per se, you can still see it's effects, such as ripping a planet apart or slowly consuming a star through a stream of hydrogen. Besides, a supernova is over so quickly, while a black hole can be so much slower, so much more graceful. Both are still pretty cool, but it's like comparing a good modern-day song to an orchestral symphony.
Good to hear that the lady is okay, and it's to be expected that you'll be called out suddenly when you work as a volunteer firefighter. Accidents and fires don't really stick to schedules.
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