Not that I particularly mind benefitting from the wilfull blindness of those around me, but some people make me wonder. It almost becomes frustrating after a while.
Your result for The What Computer Are You Test...
The Server Tower
Congratulations, you are the Server Tower. In truth, this simply refers to a kind of case, larger than usual, because in it fits a whole lotta power! But for the purposes of this test, it refers to a monstrosity of silicon to which we in the first world owe our continuing existence. Servers towers can be just about anything, really, but in them is stored so much information, so much network traffic, that were they do disappear, the US and most other nations would likely be flung into a new great depression. Be proud of your importance.
You scored high on power. Being what they are, server towers usually have an inordinate amount of storage capacity or processing power. Perhaps this means you excel at a particular field of expertise. But probably not.
You also scored average on pretension. Servers themselves aren't very aesthetic, but it certainly qualifies as pretentious if you are one. Somehow. It's just that when I see a server humming quietly to itself, it's like I can hear it mocking me with its superiority.
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