
Sep 13, 2011 07:26

[For a moment Luke’s very blue eyes fill the screen. Then he pulls back, adjusts something so the video focuses, and you see that he’s got a viewport behind him, with streams of flying Coruscant traffic. He looks serious, a bit worried, and he's wearing someone else's oversized shirt. Each word is carefully enunciated, so there's barely a trace of ( Read more... )

luke skywalker

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video; I'm gonna be veeeery slow. I'm at work notyourlight September 13 2011, 13:49:10 UTC
[The one person Anakin wanted here more than anyone was his uncle... but not like this. This was just a kick in the teeth. So you're going to have to deal with a slightly grumpy looking Anakin.]

You're Luke Skywalker?


sand_wormie September 13 2011, 13:51:13 UTC
[Have a faint frown.]

I don't know any others, mister.


notyourlight September 13 2011, 15:06:30 UTC
I don't either, actually.

[He reaches up running a hand through his already disheveled hair. He hasn't been this stumped in quite a while.]

My name's Anakin.


sand_wormie September 13 2011, 16:11:18 UTC
Skywalker's not really a rare name. There's a Skywalker wine... I wonder if I'm the only Luke? [There is such a wine. He's tried it, and thought it tasted terrible.]

Anakin? That's a Tatooine name, but you don't look Tatooinian.


notyourlight September 13 2011, 16:57:12 UTC
I'm not. Not entirely, at least. Mostly I'm Corellian. I grew up here on Coruscant and Yavin IV.


sand_wormie September 13 2011, 22:05:48 UTC
Umm. Oh, right, that was my father's name, I think. Huh. [He's at a period in his life where he doesn't think of his father all that often; Luke thinks he's got it figured out.]

Corellian? So you're a pilot, right?


notyourlight September 14 2011, 01:10:47 UTC
[A lopsided grin comes to his face.]

Among other things. I'm a Jedi Knight.


sand_wormie September 14 2011, 01:50:41 UTC
Really? You're not...

[And a sort of wince, and he doesn't quite turn to look over his shoulders, but there's that kind of expression. His voice is more hushed.]

Why are you just saying it out in the open like that?


notyourlight September 14 2011, 01:54:27 UTC
[It takes him a moment before he pieces it together. He's so used to the Jedi being a constant in the galaxy.]

The Empire doesn't exist yet. Here there's an entire Order of Jedi Knights.


sand_wormie September 14 2011, 02:01:59 UTC

But that's...

[Luke is smarter than he first appears, and can think when provoked. There's a moment of dismay, and then he hides it.]

...so, I could [pause, and there's a couple seconds of the careful enunciation again] impinge on His Majesty's honor right here on the throne world and no one would care.

You're really a Jedi?


notyourlight September 14 2011, 02:08:54 UTC
You could spit on the Emperor's black bones if you wanted. [Smile.

Yes, I'm really a Jedi.

Unfortunately the Jedi and the Republic are at war with the Sith Empire and their leader Darth Revan. He's the one that brought us all here. Even you.


sand_wormie September 14 2011, 02:14:50 UTC
I never liked him anyway. ...Will like him? How do you say these things, if it's the past? But I wouldn't spit on him, that's a waste of good water.

Do you have a lightsaber?

...I think I've read that name before, it was in a text, but I don't remember what it was about. But why me? I'm [and here's a hitch; he sometimes has odd feelings and hunches which he knows he should never talk about, but he's also a horrible liar.] nothing special.


notyourlight September 14 2011, 02:24:16 UTC
[He laughs momentarily as the difference between this Luke and the Luke he knows keep piling up.

He holds his hilt up so it can be seen.]

Made it myself.

We don't know why he chooses some of us. We don't even know why we're here.

You don't need to hide anything, Unc... Luke. I'm sure you've always felt different.


sand_wormie September 14 2011, 02:30:27 UTC
[Luke makes a small 'uh?' noise, craning his neck to try and see the little image more clearly, before rather obviously realizing that this looks very stupid from the other end and stopping. But there's that curiosity, burning away.]

[The guiltiest of guilty looks.] I shouldn't talk about that in the open. I've only ever told... I don't even know if that was real.


notyourlight September 14 2011, 02:38:38 UTC
If what was real?

[You can thank yourself in oh... 30 years or so for how well you taught your apprentice to be patient.]


sand_wormie September 14 2011, 02:42:08 UTC
[Hedging. Hedging. Anguished expression.]

...Someone I met once. He was a lot like me, but...

- Can I just talk to you? If you promise not to read my mind?


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