[ It's very obvious where Jaina is sitting as the feed pans out. The kolto tanks on Coruscant, where she came back after she died. She looks haggard, a hand going through her hair as she stares straight at the tanks as if waiting for something ]
[ she clears her throat ]
The Sith...[ Jaina closes her eyes ]
They aren't what we thought. Not all of them
Read more... )
Partly. There's...a lot to this guy that we don't understand.
The people following him aren't all lunatics out for blood. Most of them are former Republic soldiers.
If [Pause, and he's speaking very carefully.] you do try to find out.
I don't think anyone's going to listen to them. The lines have been drawn already.
I'm not sure... I don't know what you're thinking about. Not that I'm saying you should tell me, or anything, but I think...
[He trails off, worried-looking. When he leans back and his face goes into shadow, he doesn't look quite as young. There's nothing to be done about his voice, though.]
Just be careful about it, okay? Don't do something on a whim.
Don't worry. I'll give it some thought before I do thrilling heroics.
I'd tell you not to do anything I wouldn't, but. [He shrugs, self-deprecating.] Good - no wait what do Jedi say again...
May the Force be with you.
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of the expression.
[He's smiling back, but there's a weird sort of gravity to him.]
[ she stares at him ]
Has...anyone talked to you about learning the ways of the Force?
Uh - not really. ...Jacen said I could talk to the Jedi at the Temple here, but [Guilty expression] I haven't. It - it hasn't felt right, I guess.
[ she stares at him ]
If you..ever want to know anything about it, I can show you the basics.
[He seems a little nervous now.]
I might like that. There's no reason not to.
Where are you staying?
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