[There's a contemplative look on Catty's face when she turns the feed on. She's alone on the beach at the moment, datapad resting on her knees. And yeah. She's wearing a bikini. :'| Enjoy the view, and a few of the scars from the torture.
Even though she has the feed on, she doesn't say anything at first, just sort of stares off at the water.
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A whole year? Or almost, I mean?
Yeah, I've been here since... The first large influx of people, I guess.
- I [focus!] Huh. Was it different then? Was there a first Outworlder, telling people what happened, or did the Jedi do that...?
There were a few here, people who had been around months before we came.
Are they still around? Maybe Revan wasn't as good at it then... I wonder if anyone remembers the moment of coming here. I was asleep.
Lily and Draco are. Lois, too, if I remember right. I think it was just quieter back then.
Yeah. Yeah, I bet so.
And then the war just sort of picked up with all of us arriving here all at once.
Wh- [Deep breath, Luke.] Why would that happen?
She leans forward a bit, not enough to show anything, of course, but still.] I... don't know. Maybe we've been thinking about Revan's motives all wrong? Maybe we are helping him win without knowing it.
[And eyes CLOSE. Haha, skirting the issue entirely! He kind of wants to ask why she's wearing that... or not wearing that, as the case may be, but that sounds all judgy and very farmboy. Lots of people wear very little, that's their thing. Not his place to comment.]
Like... well, I know Outworlders are kind of hard to miss. So... we could be distracting the Republic? Maybe?
That could be it, but we're helping the Republic more than distracting them. Except for the Crimson Terror... That was a distraction, but no. I think he's more meticulous than that. You don't just somehow defeat a war that nobody else could do by chance. [She chews on her lip for a second.] He's calculating.
I've heard a little about those... Maybe it's not even the Outworlders. Maybe there's some side thing - I mean, when I... if I actually did...
[Eyes open, but for the moment he's not distracted by the sexy, he's serious. ...And quite obviously skirting around something.]
It seems like calling someone here would be really tiring, but he's done it with a lot of people all at once, and there's more all the time. So if that's different, maybe somehow just the calling itself makes him stronger. I don't know.
But anyone alive sort of changes the Force - you know? And people with Jedi power do it more. It's kind of a - I don't know. But it's... stirred. I don't get how anyone could use that for more than maybe knowing where someone's been, but...
He might. I don't know.
Well, it's a theory anyway. I don't hear anyone else coming up with something better, and I really don't buy the crap that he's brought us here to just let us do what we want. He has to know we can tip the scales in this war, and it's not going to be in the favor of the Sith. [There is definite anger in her voice as she says that.]
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