[Too rushed to lock against Anakin this time. Luke's on one of the covered bridges that span the great canyons between Coruscant megablocks; behind him through the transparisteel more bridges are visible, and the lit icon of one of the planet's main eateries, and a certain amount of chaotically weaving air traffic. He's pressing a girl against the window on one side; there are people cheering and shouting and waving weaponry coming from both ends of the bridge. They don't appear to be gangs - no shared colors or insignia, anyway - and no one's firing just now, and they're not outright charging, but the people on each end seem quite eager to reach each other. Or maybe they just want to cross really badly. Hmm.]
[Luke is not smiling. But someone good at reading him might recognize the gleam in his wide eyes as not fearful at all. Luke is excited, just like when he almost drowned. He's saying something, but the datapad moves too much to make it lipreadable, and he's not talking loudly enough to be properly heard over the crowd and sirens and the sound a speeder makes when it passes right over a transparisteel roof that has holes in it.]
[Responses are open, but
action is just for Zekk. ...Ignore the lightsaber in the icon; I picked it for the expression. He has a rifle on a strap over his shoulder.]