this thought brings me sadness from every corner in it your soft footsteps were the devils hooves your soft smile was his brazen beautiful face and the heat burned right through me
everywhere it cant be stopped it cant even be seen so dont dont pity me for not believing like you for not trusting this world its not you or me its the hype thats all i see
im dirty trouble wash me away the colors run the colors bleed wash me away i wasnt made for this you werent made for that lets pretend to forget lets forget we pretend clean slate white shirt on the colors run the colors bleed wash me away
i see so many ghosts in my thoughts in my past in my mind on the tips of my tongue on the tips of my eyes menacing dancers who articulate their weariness in movement how i envy some kind of real beauty we all wish we were beautiful man i wish i was beautiful
we draw ourselves with pretty words inaccurate artists every single one of us the scars and pain we want on display in an adequate box screams loneliness
for the sake of the soul embroidered and explicit its the dancing of notes dipped in emotion careening about in organized fashion a heart is soothed and the stars ten times brighter when the storm has moved on but i still feel alone