My flight left at 6:05am on the morning on Friday the 15th. I arrived in Atlanta, GA to catch my connecting flight to go out to San Francesco, CA and meet up with my Mom. Our flight was to leave at 9:35am. I got in earlier but had to get to the other terminal and looking at the board my mom was also coming from a different terminal than the one we both needed to be at to leave from. Well she got in late and the airline decided to close boarding early which meant we missed our flight. And the next flight out wasn't until 9ish. We tried to get any flight out to get moving towards our destination but that was a no go. Now I have been stuck at that airport before but never been outside of it. So we paid to have a company hold our bags so we could look around. So being a huge coke fan. We went to Coke World, oh I was in heaven. Love Coke! And then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe. This is like this thing me and my mom do.
So we finally got out to CA. So since we are crazy we decided to drive to Sacramento that night so we could go to the Hard Rock the next day.
Than start our long drive to Oregon to see Crater Lake. But we the snow and stuff we didn't get there until the sun was going down. So I saw the lake but didn't get any pics of it. But on the way back we saw some huge redwood trees. Big enought to drive thru.
Sunday was spent finishing the drive back to San Francesco and exploring. And yes I drove the crazy hill there. It was fun! And we rode the tolley up and back on Hyde Street. (the root that goes up the big hill) Stopped by their Hard Rock too.