g-hunt desu...
lama dah tak menaip kat sini kan...
RL busy giler so...mehhh....
actually aku takde la pape sangat nak cakap pun just rindu nak update..
plus aku dah tak berapa tengok ARASHI variety bangumi or drama..
paling latest yang aku tengok movie Debikuro ngan VS ARASHI yang ada Nagasawa Masami tu..
seriously, yang VSA tu memang sangat mind-blowing...
bukan sebab game tapi sebab aku balik-balik fokus ke Nino ngan Masami...
nampak jugak la macam Nino sedikit awkward and tak banyak sangat cakap...
plus aku rasa Nino sangat behave time tu...
takde jerit2 sangat and yang paling penting nampak la macam dia tak nak tengok sangat pasukan lawan..
well,mungkin camera work tapi kalau dah 9/10 shot tu benda yang sama,curious jugak kan...
BTW, aku tak download pun VSA tu...
malas and tak de space lam hard disc...
so i just watched it LIVE in the internet(which is obviously menipu)..
DebiKuro? hmmmmm...
that kissing part....OUT!!!!!!!!
Aiba-chan...that is not the right way to kiss a girl, you d*mb...
movie tu agak best tapi tak sama macam manga version...
bagi aku manga version lebih emotional and lebih logik..
novel aku tak tau la best atau tak...
nihongo aku masih tak berapa nak kanpeki sangat so...mehhh...
my latest addiction, YOUTUBE..
sekarang aku banyak tengok YT and ramai jugak la YouTubers yang aku minat...
basically, Japanese Youtubers la...
mula-mula aku just ter-addict ngan satu channel je...
sekarang ni banyak betul yang aku subcribed..
based on my own Hamatteru Ranking:
PDRさん /
PDRさんのゴミ箱 /
JustDuncan /
ViolentElfDoomsDay(VEDD)YTer ni yang paling selalu aku tengok...well, baru-baru ni je aku subcribed to ALL his channel..masa memula tu aku setakat tengok macam tu je..takde niat pun nak subcribe or whatsoeva..tapi bila dah lelama aku rasa dia sangat cute...he is Asian-British and i love all his videos...full of sarcasm plus i love his unique teeth..this year he is 30 y/o but he doesn't look like his age...and his married...*sobs* his wife is a YTer too (
MIMEI) and they have a co-joint channel called
BaCouple..i always wait for his new update and he is the only YTer that replies comments from his viewer...if you are lucky and you post a comment right after he posted a video, the chances that he will replies to you is 89%..as long as you don't piss him off with your stupid question..well, he is my mentor and my inspiration for making video in YT..yes, i learned a lots from you Duncan-san...
please subcribes to all channel i put here*peace*
HIKAKINTV this YTer is among the first YTer that i watched..memula aku tengok channel dia masa dia cakap bahasa omputih yang tak langsung macam bahasa omputih..well, aku boleh kata yang dia agak comel la and the main reason aku suka video dia adalah sebab dia sangat over-reaction..benda yang simple pun boleh jadi sangat complicated..he is 26 y/o if I'm not mistaken..and, dia antara top YTer in Japan..
SEIKINTVyang ni aku selalu tengok sebab dia sangat suka memasak...plus benda yang dia masak sangat2 la simple and he is cute..BTW, he is HIKAKIN-san big brother but he is much more calm and not so over-reaction...kekadang tu ada jugak la dia macam clumsy sikit tapi he still cute..most of his videos yang aku like adalah video dia memasak..main reason, i want to try all his recipes..
はじめしゃちょー2 (hajime) YTer ni sangat suka buat eksperimen...and yes, dia lebih kurang macam Aiba-chan sikit...all his experiments has no scientific value (maybe some) and he loves to hurt himself..eksperimen yang tak pernah dibuat orang itulah yang paling dia suka buat..plus, dia sangat suka prank kan kawan-kawan dia..paling kesian, Tomikku-san..
<--that is a green slime BTW..
ramai lagi YTer yang aku selalu tengok tapi 4 orang ni is my favourite..
so i guess that's all for now...
eh? my YT channel?
let's keep it as a secret for now...