It's no secret I've been wanting to illustrate for
rhythmsextion 's
QB!verse for ages now and when I found out she was doing a sequel to NMU for her Big Bang this year I kind of flipped out. So here we are, I am SO excited I got to work with her on this project.
PS: Any blame for posting late in the day is ALL on me, guys!
Hail Mary by
rhythmsextion And don't forget to visit her
QB!verse PRIMER.
Okay so here is where I warn you, behind the cut is some NSFW pictures, mainly boy kissing, J2, half naked Jared and Jensen/OMC! ALSO....I think this goes without saying: SPOILERS!
Header Image
Interior Illustrations
Download it HERE!
Hail Mary
Fullscreen (1600 x 1200)
Widescreen (1920 x 1200)
Hail Mary - Jensen
Fullscreen (1600 x 1200)
Widescreen (1920 x 1200)
Hail Mary - Jared
Fullscreen (1600 x 1200)
Widescreen (1920 x 1200)
Thank yous and more:
It's been amazing to work with
rhythmsextion on this, she's been so great and supportive at each step. Thank you so much for being so patient with me!
I had giant shoes to fill because
egotists did an amazing job last year on
NMU's Art. I tried to incorporate a touch of her style choices in the header so there is a clear connection. I also am not the graphic designer that she is so please forgive the so-so look of the titles and graphics.
Anyways! HUGE thank yous to my art betas, starting with
oatmeal_queen who AGAIN spent a ton of time helping me out with all the issues I had. You are so AWESOME! Also, special thanks to
karabou ,
gypsy_sunday and
estarmuerta ! You guys helped me at the last minute when I was panicking so THANK YOU! <3
On a personal note:
Due to spending so much time on the color I fell short on how many pieces I wanted to do. I have SO MANY sketches that didn't get finished. I'll probably get to them later after I take a break. from art for a week, haha.
Stuff I wanted more time for: More Jensen, more MATT, MORE FOOTBALL. And pinups, I seriously had half sketched pin-ups for this one. :((( After my hand recovers.
ALSO: I love con-crit. Seriously. Feel free to leave it here or email me ( or note me) if you're shy of giving it in public. Trust me I want to know. All I ask is that you be specific and say...'the nose is a bit too big' vs. 'the nose looks weird'. It helps!