Who: Lily, Sev
Where: cafeteria
When: 1:30-2ish
Rating: R
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Sev and Lily spend quality time together.
Lily prodded absently at her food, though she wasn't very hungry. It had been a highly stressful morning, and while the event hadn't actually lasted long, it too had been stressful. Just seeing everyone put at risk in their own backyard - bubble, whichever - was scary. It wasn't the first time. It wouldn't be the last time. But it didn't mean she had to like it any better each time it happened.
Still, she thought they'd gotten off lightly. Aside from Sirius, no one had really been injured by the Riverfellians. She thought maybe after lunch, she'd stop in and give him some chocolate frogs and make sure James was doing all right. She had stopped in, very briefly, before coming to the cafeteria - but Sirius had been sleeping and James had looked close to it - not up for company, at any rate. Lily was curious to know what had happened, exactly, though she supposed in a day or so, Sirius would be letting everyone within earshot know exactly what had happened, and how he'd wound up hurt like he had.
Exhaling softly, she set her fork down and picked up her cup of juice, sipping at it slowly. She thought she should head out pretty soon, but for the moment ... she was fine just sitting.