Who: Oryon, OTA
Where: Beach
When: Late Evening
Rating: Sticking with R
Invasion: Why not.
Status: Open, on going
Summary: Water. White t-shirts. Boobs. That is all
Oryon had spent the entire late afternoon and early evening setting things up. Between heading to the beach and creating a stage of sorts. He had it rigged to it stood at least two feet tall and was a decent size to hold a few people at a time. He also made a bench, for him to walk on, while behind the girls to have an even playing field when it came to generating water for the contest. He had also made sure to have constructed a wall, so the girls could remain hidden until it was there turn to be on stage. This was all of course in case he actually had a decent sized turn out. Nothing spelled disaster like no one showing up to participate, rather than everyone showing up to watch. He had made sure the man-made stage was sturdy and secure before piling up a bunch of wood for the bonfire that would be started later, at least he could say that when he came up with an idea he went all out.
At least prior to the building of the stage he had gotten t-shirts made up, in the one size fits most, category - the girls could tie them how they pleased, he wouldn't make them show more than he was willing- as well as the trophy, though he'd have to go back and pick that up once done with the stage. He made sure to leave a little space on the bottom so the winner could get her name engraved upon it should she choose to do so. He also had contestant numbers made up, to make things easier with the voting and such, as well to keep track as to who has, and hasn't gone. Though one would think the easiest way to tell would be who was wet and who wasn't.
With that he's also put up tons of flyers, and even handed some out. The flyers of course would consist of what exactly this little shindig was, it's location and the time. On the bottom part it had a little ballot section, which also told those whom were attending to watch, to bring this as it would be their key to vote for the one they liked best. In the mid section of the flyer, in big bold letters it would read:
The rest basically just explained that if people wanted food or beverages to bring there own, that there would be a bonfire going and the like.
Ory hand handed out just about all of the flyers he had made up, the rest he left at various locations for people to take at their free will. He was even smart enough to make up spare ballots in-case people forgot to bring theirs. Since he had no idea who the contestants were, rather than making the ballot multiple choice es-que he made it plain and simple, just write in the name of the one who you wish to vote for. Later in the night, once the last girl had gone, he would be sure to send a box around so that the ballots could be collected.
Satisfied that he had everything set up and ready to go, he managed to pick up the shirts and the trophy from their respected stores before finally heading his way back to his dorm room. He still thought to keep some flyers on him while he was at the beach, building things and the sort, and on his way back he successfully managed to hand out more. Now he truly was out, but that wouldn't stop him from passing along the message via word of mouth if he ran into anyone new along the way back to his dorm.
Hitting the dorm entrance he practically skipped up the flights of stairs before slinking into his room. Though he didn't bother shutting the door, in fact he left it open on purpose so that if anyone decided to show up, it'd be a bit of an open-door policy. Taking out a spare piece of paper, he wrote out a quick consent form so he at least went about things semi-legally, no sense in setting himself up for getting in trouble. He wrote out some sort of legit disclaimer as well as a place for a contestant to write her name, and her age, yes he was smart enough for proof of age. No sense in getting people uptight about that issue.
The stress of making sure everything was together and ready to go was over for Oryon, now he just had to wait for people to show up. That was his only fear. But he had some faith, and figured that most taken guys would probably talk their girls into participating strictly for their sheer benefit. Not that Oryon could say there was nothing in it for him. Granted he wasn't doing this for his enjoyment, sure he'd have fun making girls wet and the like, but he was doing this more so for a bit of fun, for everyone.
Time to play the waiting game..That was of course before he eventually would have to head back down to the beach.