Who: Hestia Jones, open
Where: The dorms then outside no doubt.
When: Late morning
Rating: no idea
Invasion: Please
Hestia woke slowly, at first pulling the covers over her head and burying further into her pillow. The light was insistent though, and she sighed before sitting up and looked around. This wasn't her room. The bed was the same, but everything else. She frowned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. That didn't make any sense. She got out of bed, the t-shirt she'd gone to sleep with sliding down to her knees as she moved.
Moving to the window, she looked out, surprised to see a beach from her window. Her flat had never been this close to the beach, and she knew Marseilles' coast like the back of her hand. It didn't look like this. Turning around, she scanned the room and found her wand resting on the night stand. She picked it up and ran her fingers along the smooth wood. Well, that was something.
She looked around the room again before spotting a note. She picked it up off the desk and scanned it. It made little sens to her, other than the fact that she had indeed been brought here. She wondered who would be so cruel as to name their child Icenetari, but other than that, it didn't have any answers. Sighing she looked through the drawers of the dresser, annoyed that none of her clothes were there more than anything. She did however manage to find a tanktop and jeans that fit, along with some underwear. That was something. She sighed and looked around again before going into the bathroom.
Once she was clean, she left the room, shoving her and and then her hands in her pockets. Just where was she? She made her way out of what she guessed was a giant apartment building or dorm and then outside, blinking at the bright sunlight. She blinked and shut her eyes. God, how she hated sunlight. She stopped and turned in a circle, looking around. Where the hell was this place?