So, to start this tale of 5 days of woe, we'll go back to Thursday afternoon, when my ipod's hold button broke.
After that day of classes, I got back to my room, and fussed about with it, and then couldn't get the screen to respond either.
So, after a quick lookup of the nearest Apple store, and my roommate claiming to come along, I claiming we're taking my car because I wasn't going to club that night like I usually do and it needs to be driven, we set out on our horrid journey.
Horrid, because it was snowing, and within a quarter-mile, on the first 90° turn, I spun it out 180° and bumped my front tire up on the embankment. On top of the snow, on top of the side-burm.
I know, I'm an epic genius. T__T;
Anyway, my car's rear-wheel drive, so I put it in reverse, put a little gas, edge the tire back down, and start slowly K-turning to face the right way around.
As I've obviously figured out by this point, my tires have NO traction in snow.
Nevertheless I'm hell bent for bitching because I need my ipod fixed. So we drive the 45 minutes to the mall, halfway there I spin-out again, though not as badly (only turned halfway around that time, and bumped my ass on the guard rail), and eventually we're there. Snow's stopped too. Damn my luck
I get out and check the car.
No damage on the front left, surprisingly. Didn't even see any scraped paint.
Back right however, I cracked the plastic over the tail-light, and it's gone.
Great. Minimal damage, but it won't pass inspection. Just what I need.
So I grump a bit but head into the mall, back on my fix-this-damn-ipod mission.
Only to get told that their Genius Bar (tech support) closes in half an hour, and I'll have to make an appointment for the next day, because they're busy.
Damn. So I skipped supper, had a horrid drive, banged up my car, and merely had to come back tomorrow. (Only consolation was my roommate bought me chocolate)
So, drove back (the snow melted by then) and cobbled together munchies and ate and finally went to sleep sometime that morning. Drove back the next day for my appointment, only to have to wait a half hour anyway because they were packed. And to eventually get the lovely news that my ipod's a tiny paperweight. And my only replacement options short of getting a new one, is a generic refurbished, or a new generic (refurb at half price, new at a 10% discount only if i 'recycle' my engraved broken one).
After 2 and a half hours of sweat, tears, talking to their phone support, talking to my parents, talking to 3 of the store support, more talking to my parents, and a lot of sitting around waiting, I went home. Because I wanted my engraving. And I wanted the year warranty. And the only way to get both of those was to just order a new one online, and keep my old one, since I couldn't get much anything for it anyway. fuckyouandyour$13Apple
So I ordered it later that night, angsted, gamed, and finally fell asleep again sometime late the next morning.
Saturday & Sunday, rinse and repeat the last sentence. Sleeping/crashing during the day/afternoon, up angsting throughout the night with insomnia.
Monday! 3 hours sleep the night before. Went to class, ate some lunch, came back and played some games as I waited around to crash.
Except I didn't. I didn't sleep until 4am Tuesday.
Went to class this morn with 5 hours of fitful sleep, stared a hole in the screen, talked to myself, stumbled around everywhere, and finally gave up on the idea of being in any shape to attend my other 2 classes, headed back to my room, set up some music to play, and crashed for 6 whole hours.
Moral of the story is: I don't get on well without my music.