Well that was a long and entertaining weeked :)
It all kicked off with Friday evening where I went up to
gourou and Kitten's for some of their demon chilli and to enoy films and fairly copious amounts of alcohol - the chosen films being the recent remake of
Freaky Friday and
So I Married an Axe Murderer.
Personally I was really impressed with Freaky Friday - it s a *lot* better than I was expecting from a remake and as for the other film - well it was better than I remembered anyway (but no,
gourou, I still don't think its a great film :) .
On Saturday it was mine and Kitten's birthday 'thing' which kicked off in the afternoon with a showing of
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkenban which I personally really enjoyed - its darker in tone than the first two films, and is a bigger departure from the books too, but it all works out for the good. Anyways, after that we hit Old Orleans for a load of strong cocktails (guess they had another n00b on the bar or something) and the after four unusually strong 'Adios Amigos' it was onto the Boardwalk for dinner. We capped off the night by returning to Old Orleans for a nightcap and then headed home to a peaceful and alcohol induced slumber :)
Sunday involved
Gwengothelf coming over to do server setup stuff. At least that was the theory anyway - due to various circumstances the day *actually* became us watching a load of films and TV shows until we were ready to start work. So that was us watching
Razor Blade Smile (*awful*),
Die Hard (*top* movie, lots of CS-applicable quotes in there too :D ),
Underworld (extended) (Not as bad as I remembered from the cinema - guess Van Helsing put it in perspective) and the last three episodes of Angel (which I won't talk about til its aired in a couple of days over here). One other thing that featured prominently was swearing and cursing about the insane heat that we had to put up with. Its a fair bet it'll be like this for the LAN next week but thankfully
pharrap has a cunning plan involving the HSS and a couple of portable aircon units :)
Anyway, server setup is complete, give or take a few final tweaks on the day, including live stats handling for display in both rooms (projector upstairs for Team [SneakyUnderhandedBastards], and Team Shaolin on TV downstairs) Just need to write the mapcycle and drop it in - the work of a couple of minutes.