[ :'( Daddy George!!! I had a feeling this was going to happen, yet it's still sucky. For some of you, I've already got you. <--haha I'm so scared. Of course I want to know. ;) I know of you on the flipside and should probably add you so that there is no more mystery. Thank you for the smiles and fun in this form. <3]
[Sigh. Even being prepared for this didn't really, well, prepare me for this. Dave was always wonderful to my first girl and I was always so grateful for that, and he's always been excellent to Kate. She loves him a lot :( You were amazing as him and I'm sad to see you go but of course I understand why and you know that. I would say I'm going to stalk you elsewhere but I already do :-D Take care, baby :-*]
[Yeah, I thought I was totally cool with it and detached until I went to write this, and then...sigh. Well, I always prided myself on Dave's chivalry and behaviour as a good married man. I hope everything goes well with Kate, and of course I'll be around elsewhere to merrily spy. You know I will. <3]
[Well it's been a heck of a ride, kid. We've been through some crazy stuff together and it was always fun to have your Dave around. Those early Blur chatrooms were always hilarious and you helped make me feel comfortable in a role that I was very nervous about taking. It seems like we haven't talked lately but you know where I am elsewhere and if you ever want to say hello again, Blur related or not, I'm around. :-* ]
[Aw, well we picked you up because we knew that ultimately you'd be the perfect Damon, and look at you going now. Yeah, it's weird how things drift apart, but I'm always up for a conversation. :-* Thanks.]
[I still remember when Graham was watching Empire Square and freaking out over AIM to Dave because he thought the girl was sexy. Hahaha. I'm sorry we weren't active at the same time, too, but I know how it is to lose touch with characters. Best wishes.]
[Ha ha! That was an excellent time, and I'm glad someone else has at least seen Empire Square. It's a sad fate, but hopefully this new Dave will have renewed vigor. Thank you.]
Comments 35
[You were great as Dave. There never was what should have been so I hope you have me somewhere else.]
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