I've got a design for a little DSP radio I wish to get a PCB made for. However the cheap PCB fab houses can't use one of the drill sizes specced in the gerbers (0.4mm, used for vias on this board). I've checked the design rules and it looks like I can move the vias up to 0.6mm holes and still have 0.2mm copper annulus
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Comments 5
I suggest taking the file, changing one via and diffing against the original in order to create a sed pattern.
It'd be an evil hack, but it'd probably work.
Also; isn't drill data normally in a different file from the gerber? (The gerber just containing a layer showing them for pictographic reasons only.)
To be honest, I've always treated the gerber & drill files as a black box. I usually generate them, DRC check them with another app then mail them off. I've never had to worry about editing them before.
I'd try a different board house, but I can't find one that can do two 6x4" double sided boards with 0.4mm vias for about £60 or less. Changing the via drill to 0.6mm means I can get this price.
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