Ah I love my woman-hood *hugs ovaries*
So last night was the Mindless Self Indulgence consert. I attended with kristen. We arrived at 6:30, the doors opened at 7 and we wandered inside. Immediently everyone lite up. I must have smoked an entire pack of cigeretts due to second hand smoke, if any ounce of me ever wanted to smoke, it has been crushed now i can still feel the smokein my eyes. At around 8:30 the first band came on. I can't remember their name, just that their bassest was the cutest thing i have ever seen! I wanted to bottle her up and take her home with me, she was amazing, and i.am.in.love. What was also great about that band was the lead singers eyes. I kept locking my eyes on his waiting for beams of light to stream out and consume me. At 9:30 Bad Acit Trip, the second band, came on. They were insane! Each one was a Jester/ reincarnate of satan. The lead singer had a dildo, 'nough said. The sad bit was that they started angry moshing. I believe moshing should be happy, not beating the shit out of the inocent person next to you, oi vey. FINALLY after the longest wait of my life (complete with drunken fight and much groping from disgusting old guys *shudder*) MSI entered the stage at 10:15 (3 hours and 45 minuets later). It was all i oculd do to keep from dashin gup on stage and attacking all of them. Little Jimmy Urine was wearing a black jacket stating in big bold white stencles "WE ARE ALL GODS". They played most of my favorite songs. If at all possible Lyn-z was prettier in person and kitty, god kitty, she is so amazing! I couldn't take my eyes off her, she is so addicting. All of them were so full of life and energy, my entire body was shaking. I was a bit confused, however, because the guitarest on stage was not Steve Righ? so I don't know what happened there...Part way through the show Urine pulled out a cigerette and signaled for a light. Everyone through up their lighters at once, "now im on fire!" he screamed. He also stole someone's camara and took pics of himself on stage. Unfortunatly we had to leave at 11 and I feel so ridicuosly incomplete, part of me wants to cry. As we were leaving we snagged a couple posters. I am in such shock about the consert! I fucking LOVE msi! They are gods.