Roots Ring Planet

Dec 01, 2007 18:16

[the below is a ramble that I wrote down in the ICA earlier this week, intended to be put here in teh blog - the title comes from what I had written on my hand at the tine, all of which did have a meaning]

I'm actually writing this down in the back of my diary (today is Tuesday 8th January) at the rather lovely ICA. I'm here after a long chain of events but its rather good sitting here just chilling - and now Dark Side of the Moon has started on cd player :D

Anyway, status, what is my status?
Happy - definitely. Reasons for unhappyness are still there but on whole good stuff outweighs bad. This is a good thing to write down. And its not just a lie to myself which is good.
Tired - Very tired. Work and a few other things are mental at the moment. Feels a bit like I'm being tugged in all directions at once. At the moment manageable but worth keeping an eye on.

**Token Bridget Jones reference**
Joined a gym. Been zero times. V miffed about this

Got to say I'm in a slight quandary whether to continue this blog or not. One reason for this is that I am under the lure of the Facebook seductress. Another reason is that I rarely feel comfortable divulging my soul in text form.

But the main reason is this
I am lazy. I am a lazy git. I have been a lazy git for 24 years.
Hello my name is dave and I'm a recovering lazy git - I haven't put anything off for two whole days.

Anyhoo, if this is my last LJ post don't be surprised.

Done several things in the interim since my last post.. to list them all would take a while and would give none of them the time they deserve (plus also see above points on myself and lazyness). Out of the various things I have done, Beating ktsqueak on Wii tennis was the first that springs to mind.. this is possibly because its rather good but may be further proof that I am rather a geek.

[I then doodled a rather bizarre sketch featuring a 'pie-marine', I may actually do this properly at some point..]

Lost my train of thought there.. never mind.. little concerned that my mind seems to be losing some of its razor knife butterknife bread-roll like sharpness. Perhaps its age, perhaps its 'that' homebrew is finally causing my body to slowly start turning off (I'd still drink it again now though if I had my time again).

My work sent me to Slough - Why?!

Hmmm, I think thats it. Brain stopped. It is now January 6th. Soon it will be new yearrrrrr [i actually wrote that many 'r's, don't know why]

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