
Dec 30, 2006 15:09

This past week has been super crazy ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

wedabe_lm December 31 2006, 04:27:53 UTC
If you want to go see a movie sometime just give me a call. Sorry to hear that about your puppy : (


davepants December 31 2006, 19:25:56 UTC
lets do that... or watch the office...


crustypickle December 31 2006, 04:51:01 UTC
My sister says she gave Owen my number but I don't know if that's true or not lol. I broke my phone the other day and have lost everyones number T_T Mine's 480-246-1808
If you're not doing anything tomorrow night you're more than welcome to hang out at Dawson's house with us and his crazy friends. We'll probably just play games and watch movies or something. If not I'm free Monday night, all day Tuesday, Friday night, and all day Sunday of next week to do something. Let me know. xD


davepants January 2 2007, 02:08:18 UTC
Lets play tonight or tomorrow during the day, depending on when you get this. I leave on Thursday, so let me know.


i_sniff_hats December 31 2006, 22:22:52 UTC
it wasnt andre was it? :( im sorry.


davepants January 2 2007, 02:08:43 UTC
It was Andre. Poor puppy.


flyingprincess January 12 2007, 17:55:23 UTC
Poor Sweet Puppy.

Did you ever bake the paw print?

We miss Amber, too.


davepants January 12 2007, 18:48:39 UTC
I didn't know where you put it, so its still unbaked at in Tempe. Where did you put it?


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