Happy New Years!

Jan 01, 2005 15:23

They say whatever you do on New Year’s Day you’ll be doing the rest of the year. In that case, enjoying yummy Mexican food, drinking lots of alcohol, having hot wild sex, and dancing ‘till it hurts will be activities I won’t be doing much of this year. Instead, I guess I have much sitting in the back seat of a car stuck in traffic in San Antonio ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

oldworldprince January 29 2005, 07:19:56 UTC
Did you know there is a Tejano club called "La Migra" ?


loopy4jazz January 29 2005, 18:49:04 UTC
You updated!!! Wait a sec, does that mean that for the rest of the year, I'll be hanging out in a cheap tux shirt, picking up dirty plates, and watcing old rich white people get trashed and try to dance?


daviddude January 30 2005, 05:34:38 UTC
wow, i need to go to this La Migra club to see for myself


chatabolic February 1 2005, 22:56:15 UTC


what up? roundrocktxboi March 6 2005, 14:57:16 UTC
hey this is Jesse. I jsut got on to this live journal thing. Add me to your friends if u want and why is ur last entry from so long agao?


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