For those of you who like to play along at home, here are the questions, with answers in ROT13. I'll put the categories in here, but for those who just want to read the category titles, I'll do a separate post for those. Thanks to Tom Galloway for writing these.
This is game 1; I'll do a separate post for game 2.
Game 1, Round 1:
Tiptree Through the Tulips
Alice Sheldon's only Nebula winning story appeared under her other pseudonym, Raccoona Sheldon. What was the title of this story about femicide?
A: Gur Fperjsyl Fbyhgvba
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Horror Show
Two answers needed: What were the full names of Boris and Natasha?
A: Obevf Onqrabi naq Angnfun Sngnyr
Darth Be Not Proud
What was Darth Sidious' other name?
A: Ybeq Cnycngvar
Anne Rice-A-Roni: The New Orleans Treat
In Interview With The Vampire, who is the vampire being interviewed?
A: Ybhvf
Spider's From a Writer's Family; He has the Robinson Jeanne
What Nebula and Hugo winning story was written by both Spider and Jeanne Robinson, to take advantage of her professional background?
A: Fgneqnapr
A Faerie Home Companion
Two answers needed: In A Midsummer Night's Dream, who are the King and Queen of faerie?
A: Boreba naq Gvgnavn
Take Two Robert Asprins and Call Me in the Morning
What race is Aahz a member of...and remember, he's NOT a pervert!
A: Creirpg
(I buzzed in in the middle of this one, and got it right.)
LeGuin and Bear It
Give any two of the protagonist of A Wizard of Earthsea's names; original, true, and use.
A: Qhal, Trq, Fcneebjunjx
(I remembered his true name and his use-name, but not his childhood name.)
He Didn't Want to Extend His Trilogy, But He Gave In to Piers Pressure
What author has been named to finish the Wheel of Time series?
A: Oenaqba Fnaqrefba
Neil Before Zod
Per his first Hugo acceptance speech, 14 year old Neil Gaiman wanted two things. One was a Hugo Award. What Kryptonian super-power was the other?
A: K-Enl ivfvba; jung ryfr jbhyq n 14 lrne byq obl jnag?
Are You Tolkien to Me? Are You Tolkien to Me?
What does any one of J.R.R. Tolkien's initials stand for?
A:Wbua Ebanyq Erhry
(I got all three.)
Captain Jack carried a Torchwood for the Doctor
Which number Torchwood does Captain Jack command?
A: Guerr
Big Trouble in Little China Mieville
What is the city setting for Perdido Street Station?
A: Arj Pebohmba
(I remembered Bas-Lag right away, but this one took me longer. Luckily nobody else got it before me.)
Ask Not For Whom the Campbell Tolls
Who won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer last year in Yokohama?
A: Anbzv Abivx
Turn of a Friendly Orson Scott Card
In the Ender's Game universe, by what name is Julian Delphiki better known?
A: Orna
Hungry Like Gene Wolfe
Gene Wolfe developed the machine that cooks what brand of potato chips?
A: Cevatyrf
What'chu Talkin' 'Bout, Connie Willis
It was really tempting to write this question so that it'd take about 10 minutes to read, but be very funny...but speaking of Connie and the Hugo Awards, name any one of her nine Hugo winning works.
A: * Sver Jngpu : abiryrggr : 1983
* Gur Ynfg bs gur Jvaarontbf : abiryyn : 1989
* Qbbzfqnl Obbx : abiry : 1993
* Rira gur Dhrra : fubeg fgbel : 1993
* Qrngu ba gur Avyr : fubeg fgbel : 1994
* Gur Fbhy Fryrpgf Ure Bja Fbpvrgl: Vainfvba naq Erchyfvba: N Puebabybtvpny Ervagrecergngvba bs Gjb bs Rzvyl Qvpxvafba'f Cbrzf: N Jryyfvna Crefcrpgvir : fubeg fgbel : 1997
* Gb Fnl Abguvat bs gur Qbt : abiry : 1999
* Gur Jvaqf bs Zneoyr Nepu : abiryyn : 2000
* Vafvqr Wbo : abiryyn : 2006
Game 1, round 2:
And Here's to You, Spider Robinson:
What's the name of Mike Callahan and Sally McGee's daughter?
A: Znel
(I got this one, but it took me a long time to remember!)
Spice, Spice Baby
What is the name of the spice in Dune?
A: Zrynatr
There's a Heinlein Between Madness and Genius
Under what nom de plume did "Mycroft Holmes" write mocking light verse?
A: Fvzba Wrfgre
Iron Man, Iron Man, Does Whatever an Iron Can
Other than jets, what transportation mechanism has Tony Stark installed in his Iron Man boots?
A: Ebyyre fxngrf
(Someone -- I think it was Zed -- actually beat me to this one!)
Kinfolk Said, Jedi Move Away From There!
On what planet does Luke Skywalker find Yoda?
A: Qntbonu
Whedon Need No Stinking Badges
In Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, other than Dr. Horrible and Bad Horse, the Thoroughbred of Sin, name a member of the Evil League of Evil.
A: Fanxr Ovgr, Shel Yrvxn, Qrnq Objvr, Cebsrffbe Abezny, Gvr-Qvr, naq Snxr Gubznf Wrssrefba
Mostly Douglas
In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what is Trillian's full name?
A: Gevpvn ZpZvyyna
R.U.R. Or Have You Ever Been a Robot?
In the title R.U.R, whose Universal Robots are they?
A: Ebffhz
Wolverine Uses Pledge to Get That Lemony Snicket Scent
What is the real name of author Lemony Snicket?
A: Qnavry Unaqyre
(Zed buzzed in on "real name" with "Logan", which is incorrect even for the question he thought he was answering -- it's now "James Howlett". I waited till "Lemony".)
Jane See Tarzan. Tarzan See Arthur. Arthur C. Clarke
For his final book, The Last Theorem, Clarke collaborated with which SF
author, who was first published before Clarke was?
A: Serq Cbuy
The Boogie-Woogie Cthulhu Boy of Company B
What was the title of the Cthulhu-based episode of The Real Ghostbusters, a play on the story title "The Call of Cthulhu".
A: Gur Pbyyrpg Pnyy bs Pguhyuh
I'm a Gaiman Fan, Not That There's Anything Wrong With That
In his early days as a writer, Neil Gaiman wrote a book about what rock group?
A: Qhena Qhena
Yolen, Yolen, Yolen, Keep Those Dogies Yolen
Hannah becomes Chaya when she travels back in time to the Holocaust in what Jane Yolen work?
A: Gur Qrivy'f Nevguzrgvp
Does Greg Bear Poop in the Woods?
What's unusual, and significant, about the cover art for Bear's first book, Psychlone?
A: Orne qvq gur neg, uvf ynfg cebsrffvbany cvrpr bs neg.
Tarzan Stripes Forever
What is either Tarzan's real name, or his royal title?
A: Wbua Pynlgba, Ybeq Terlfgbxr
Professor Marvel Recommends Tiger Baum
In the book version of The Wizard of Oz, what color are the magic slippers?
A: Fvyire
Things I Wouldn't Touch With a 10-Foot Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson was a founding member of what medieval recreation group?
A: Gur Fbpvrgl sbe Perngvir Nanpuebavfz
And now the lightning round, which didn't have funny categories:
How many Hugos has Lois Bujold won?
A: sbhe
In what current state does The Yiddish Policeman's Union take place?
A: Nynfxn
Who was the author Guest of Honor at Denvention One?
A: Urvayrva
Simon Pegg and Zachry Quinto are both in what to be released in 2009 film?
A: Fgne Gerx
Dr. Manhattan's real name is what?
A: Wbanguna Bfgrezna
What's the name of the restaurant at the end of the universe?
A: Zvyyvjnlf
What is the name of Miles Vorkosigan's wife?
A: Rxngreva
8. What won the Best Novel Hugo in 2007?
A: Envaobjf Raq
(I can't believe I blanked on this one. My only consolation is that Tom W. did too.)
9. What science fiction author won a MacArthur Genius Grant?
A: Bpgnivn Ohgyre
10. Other than The Forever War, name a "Forever" book by Joe Haldeman.
A: Crnpr be Serr