Win Tom Whitmore's Books: The Questions -- game 2

Aug 17, 2008 20:24

And here is the post for game 2.

50 Ways to Love Your Leiber
Fafhrd, of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, was somewhat based on what real person?

A: Sevgm Yrvore uvzfrys.

A Hard Day's Nightfall
The planet in "Nightfall" revolves around how many suns?

A: fvk

Blish, Splash, I Was Takin' a Bath
What did the drug ascomycin, from the 'Cities in Flight" stories, do?

A: Retard aging

He's Not Dead, He's Pining For Benford
Benford's contribution to the second Foundation trilogy was which of Foundation's Fear, Foundation and Chaos, Foundation's Triumph?

A: Sbhaqngvba'f Srne

I Call Shotgun in the Van Vogt
Q: What Van Vogt story or book inspired the movie Alien?

A: Npprcg rvgure Oynpx Qrfgeblre be Iblntr bs gur Fcnpr Orntyr.

Spring is Brusting Out All Over
What House does Vlad Taltos belong to?

A: Wurert

Omni or Analog? Heck, Take Bova Them
Ben Bova won six Best Professional Editor Hugos. How many of them were for years that included his editorship of Omni?

A: bar (1979 Uhtb, ur fgnegrq ng Bzav va 1978)

Hi Yo Silverberg, Away!
For what no longer a Hugo category did Robert Silverberg win his first Hugo, in 1956?

A: Orfg Arj Jevgre

Take a Long Walk Off a Short Piers Anthony
What was the first book in the Xanth series?

A: N Fcryy sbe Punzryrba

Lois Bujold is Such a Vor
What should Miles Naismith Vorkosigan's first name have been, but wasn't because his paternal grandfather denied permission to use it?

A: Cvbge

Wild Cards, Starring Wink G.R.R. Martindale
What character accidentally first released the Wild Card virus on Earth?

A: Wrgobl

Home of the Brave, Land of the Friesner
Esther Friesner's two most recent books, Nobody's Prize and Nobody's Princess, are about what historical character, who allegedly launched a thousand ships with her beauty?

A: Uryra bs Gebl

(1086 ships, to be precise.)

A Rage in Harlan
During his Guest of Honor appearance at the 1978 Phoenix Worldcon, Harlan Ellison tried to not spend any money in Arizona, even sleeping in a tent rather than a hotel room. Why did he do this?

A: Orpnhfr Nevmban unqa'g engvsvrq gur Rdhny Evtugf Nzraqzrag.

My Favorite Martian Chronicles
Why did a Martian kill the two members of the first Earth expedition to Mars?

A: Ur jnf wrnybhf bs uvf jvsr'f srryvatf sbe bar bs gur nfgebanhgf.

Go West, Young Frankenstein
Name the three actors who were in both Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.

A: Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder, Madeleine Kahn

I Robot, You Jane
Who was U.S. Robotics and Mechanical Men's robopsychologist?

A: Susan Calvin

Play That Funky Music, T.H. White Boy
What Broadway musical was based on The Once And Future King?

A: Pnzrybg

I've Got a Bonestell to Pick With You

(Tom W. noted that it's actually pronounced "BON-es-tell")

What group gives the annual Chesley Awards for science fiction and
fantasy art?

A: NFSN :: Nffbpvngvba bs Fpvrapr Svpgvba & Snagnfl Negvfgf

Round 2:
This Campbell Soup is Astoundingly Mm-Mm-Good
Who Goes There? was written by John W. Campbell, but was originally
published under what pen name?

A: Qba N. Fghneg

The Tolkien Addict had a Nasty Hobbit
Who has been announced as the director of the upcoming Hobbit movies?

A: Thvyyrezb qry Gbeb

The SF Fan Wanted to Save Animals, So He Joined Soylent Greenpeace
What famous actor's final film before his death was Soylent Green?

A: Rqjneq T. Ebovafba

Camptown Ladies Sing this Song, Dozois, Dozois
Within 2, how many Year's Best Science Fiction collections has Gardner Dozois edited?

A: gjragl-svir

All He Wanted at the Con was a Piece of Asimov
Isaac Asimov was born in what country?

A: Ehffvn

Did You Know that Batman Lives in His Parents' Basement?
The Bat-Cave has a lot of interesting decor. What denomination is the giant 1947 coin?

A: Craal

The Jerry Garcia Fan Got Bose Speakers for the Dead
What is Ender Wiggin's real first name?

A: Naqerj

I Know the Answer, but I Have a Mental Bloch
What did Robert Bloch supposedly keep on his desk?

A: Gur urneg bs n lbhat puvyq va n wne

Something Wiccan This Way Comes
Academic politics are so vicious because the stakes are so low. In one book, it turns out that faculty wives are using witchcraft to help their husbands. Name this Fritz Leiber novel.

A: Pbawher Jvsr

Run it Up Fred Pohl and See Who Salutes
What two magazines did Fred Pohl edit?

A: Tnynkl naq Vs

(It was noted that these were the biggest two, but hardly the only two.)

You Can't See Forrest J. Ackerman for the Trees
What horror music video did Forry have a cameo in?

A: Guevyyre

Dudley, It's Time to Save Pournelle from Snidely Again
In Footfall, what was the name of the Jerry Pournelle-based character?

A: Jnqr Phegvf

My Lovecraft is Full of Eels
What is the translation for Cthulhu fhtagn (fah-tag-en)?

A: Pguhyuh qernzf, be Pguhyuh jnvgf, be Pguhyuh jnvgf qernzvat

A Rabbi, A Nun, and Christopher Priest Walked Into a Bar

(Tom W.: "The bartender said, 'What is this, some kind of joke?'")

It's not The Dark Knight, but in 2006 a film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale based on a Christopher Priest novel debuted. What was it?

A: Gur Cerfgvtr

It's De-Lovely, It's Delightful, It's Delany

Samuel Delany has been a professor at three universities. Name any one of them.

A: Havirefvgl bs Znffnpuhfrggf, Grzcyr, Havirefvgl bs Ohssnyb

WWF Simakdown
Cliff Simak was guest of honor at what Worldcon?

A: Qrairagvba Gjb, 1981

And the second lightning round:

1. Who is the commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch?

A: Fnz Ivzrf

2. What pub did Arthur C. Clarke set a number of stories in?

A: gur Juvgr Uneg

3. Name the two creators of Superman.

A: Fvrtry naq Fuhfgre

4. What Heinlein novel has Denver as the capital of the United States?

A: Gur Qbbe Vagb Fhzzre

5. Who sells a tribble to Uhura in The Trouble With Tribbles?

A: Plenab Wbarf

(Both Tom and the challenger said "Harry Mudd". I'd have gotten it right.)

6. Which of this year's Best Artist Hugo nominees has previously won the Best Fan Artist Hugo?

A: Cuvy Sbtyvb

7. Honor Harrington is an officer in whose navy?

A: Fgne Xvatqbz bs Znagvpber

(Conversely, I'm glad this one wasn't in my set.)

8. Whose autobiography was titled "The Way The Future Was"?

A: Serq Cbuy

9. Poul Anderson is what sf author's father-in-law?

A: Tert Orne

10. According to Asimov, how many laws of robotics are there?

A: Sbhe
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