up at camp, we had a halloween day, that was pretty awesome, i started going to church up here instead of sleeping, i bought vidya games
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i came back from seeing my sister graduate in utah, i'm graduating in about two weeks and all is well. the uke playing is coming along just fine and the one thing that i am truly waiting for is counsil saying that i am approved for my eagle. not much else has happened so i will leave ti to that.
my ukulele warped a little, and it is now creating some crazy buzzing sound on what i believe is to be called the bridge, the bottom part where i tie the strings off, but anyways, i am unsure if it is do to dehydration, or moisture, but it seems steaming it helped and that is my logical conclusion that she is quite thirsty.
so the past two nights i went to some really awesome local concerts, the first one was in eloy, a birthday bash for Eric lastname from Elron and the Thetans, the second was at an anarchist informational club type place in Tucson called "Dry River". all in all it was really awesome. The local scene is way cool, and quite friendly.
because procrastination is my favorite friend, and my family distracts me too much to do any homework at normal hours.... wait, i'm not doing my homework right now...
took a test and then skipped class to go to a free joey cape show at ASU in the hayden park part of the place. then went to james's and played left for dead, and marvel V. Capcom. then after that we got our tickets for watchmen, and then had dinner at in and out, and then proceeded to see watchmen.