I dreamt Firefly fanfic . . . or at least the beginning of one.
Mal and Zoe are on a planet looking through a town at night. There are no people there. A few outdoor electric lights are on. Several strange, mutated woodchucks are in pens around. There are ones with six long, jointed legs, one with a feathered crest; they seem to have been genetically crossed with various other animals, most of them livestock related.
As the couple pass one outbuilding, all the lights in town go out. It is very dark. They stumble up to Main Street, and see a well-dressed man on the opposing elevated sidewalk. A car roars down the street, with someone inside shooting at them.
Cut to the next day. Several people are found, still alive but strangely malformed. If you were to take a Muppet and bend it backwards around its jaw? That's what happened to these people: their upper lips were nailed to a wall, while the rest of their body was still upright and they could (somehow) talk.
Mal and Zoe found at least three of these people, and during the exposition, I woke up.
The only reason I didn't wake up and freak out about the tortured people was that they were so patently false-looking it didn't register. I only started getting grossed out when I woke up.