1) one of the little kids waiting for an older sibling in Fencing yesterday stepped on my backpack, which cracked the top right hand corner of the LCD screen on my computer, which has left a lovely inkblot/Darking/thing on my display. Thankfully it's not that big right now, but - you guessed it - it's spreading. It's also causeing the brightness of
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Comments 6
However, that doesn't mean that we can't function and enjoy ourselves beyond them, if we don't let the idiots get to us. Just work as best you can and take comfort in the fact that you are better than he, and also in that there's but a week of classes left, and then you get Fluffy on the 15th, and while Fluffy has her problems, this is not a significant one. Hang in there, love. *kisses*
*kicks boorish asshead in the nads*
I'm sorry, but I'm done letting people fuck with my Dawn. Even if the little kid probably didn't mean to wreck her comp.
*fighting stance*
*joins you, too*
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