[Action / Voice]

Aug 15, 2010 03:32

[It's early morning, and Simon's new self is out walking. Waking up in his tunnel was nothing unusual; he'd created one in order to stay out of the way, what with half of the residents forced to move- he hadn't wanted to take up space someone else needed.

...No, wait, he hadn't wanted to be around anyone else, right? That's it, that's how he ( Read more... )

alternate universes are mean, simon is pmsing, event

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Comments 210

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[Voice] dawndigger August 15 2010, 08:41:58 UTC
[OI WHO IS BOTHERING HIM NOW] Shut up! They've overstayed their welcome.


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[Voice] dawndigger August 15 2010, 08:43:47 UTC
Why the hell would I be considerate? They're taking up too much space.


[Action] divinepooch August 15 2010, 08:50:54 UTC
[On the pathway towards the barracks sits Ammy Tai in his wolf form. The sun is coming up, it's a nice day, though it feels like there'll be rain later... it's time for breakfast!

He's stuffing his face on fruit, the perfect morning food! But wait... are those footsteps? Who could be up at this hour? Other than anyone else who might've been woken up thanks to all the screaming. He looks up...

Well hello, handsome guy! Tai stops eating for at least a few seconds to wag his tail in greeting. Nevermind the fact that it looks like something crawled up the man's rump and died. Maybe it's just too early for him to be out and about!]


Re: [Action] dawndigger August 15 2010, 08:57:11 UTC
[Hi. It's a dog.



[Action] divinepooch August 15 2010, 08:59:22 UTC
[It's a wolf, you mean. He stands and takes a few steps toward him, head tilted with interest. He hasn't seen you around before! You must be new.]


[Action] dawndigger August 15 2010, 09:01:32 UTC
[Yeah yeah, wolf, whatever. Simon returns the look, visibly unimpressed.]

What are you looking at?


fonon_professor August 15 2010, 08:56:36 UTC
[Gelda had fallen asleep in the barracks the previous day, after watching over a few more of the wounded. She'd just taken a quick nap in one of the beds, but then exhaustion kicked in and... well. Point is, she's awoken quite rudely by a certain someone. After rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and wondering briefly why something feels off today, she strides towards Simon to tell him off.]

Excuse me? Can I have a word with you? [She pauses, then adds:] Outside?


dawndigger August 15 2010, 08:59:35 UTC
[Simon is not impressed by your tiny disgruntled self.]

I don't have to go outside just to talk.


fonon_professor August 15 2010, 09:04:07 UTC
A few people are still trying to sleep. Please, follow me outside.

[She gestures to the door. As nicely as she may have formulated her request, it was still a bit of an order.]


dawndigger August 15 2010, 09:19:45 UTC
[...Did you just try to order him around? Because he's totally not following her. Like hell he wants to listen to some bitch try to lecture him like a child.]


[Action] galddigger August 15 2010, 11:01:05 UTC
[Older!Anise over here happens to be heading for the barracks, too. It's important to stay in shape after all, and training's part of her everyday routine. She doesn't seem to be impressed with this guy yelling at all the patients, though. Nor does she realize that this is AU!Simon, since last time she checked, Simon was this sweet kid who always seemed to get all flustered when she was around.]

You sound like you're expecting people to actually listen to you.


[Action] dawndigger August 15 2010, 12:06:49 UTC
[Simon gives her a once-over, about to snap back an annoyed retort before suddenly recognizing her. Or at least he thinks he recognizes her. Something is definitely not right here.]



[Action] galddigger August 15 2010, 13:53:43 UTC
... Yes? Do I know y- [...]

No way. [She doesn't believe that this is Simon. Simon's too sweet and adorable and shy to be this jerk!]


[Action] dawndigger August 15 2010, 13:58:00 UTC
[His angry glare is temporarily displaced now that he knows it's her. Little Anise? Fussy little toy-toting reminds-him-of-Yoko Anise?] What the hell happened to you?


[Action] xelhes August 15 2010, 16:20:32 UTC
[Well, Fenimore hadn't been awake before the yelling, but there's no way she'll be sleeping through that. She's annoyed enough by it to not care that she's still in a nightdress--at least it's a heavier one than some--or that what hair has escaped the braid she put it in for sleeping is a mess. When she comes across Simon from...wherever she had been sleeping, she addresses him at a somewhat more reasonable volume but with a great deal of huffiness.]

What's your problem?!


[Action] dawndigger August 15 2010, 18:37:45 UTC
[What is with all these annoying women getting all uppity about a simple request?]

My problem is a combat building full of people who belong in a clinic.


[Action] xelhes August 15 2010, 19:52:57 UTC
[Because the majority of people in Luceti are particularly skilled in being uppity, female or male.]

You're being picky about that at a time like this? [She hasn't realized that all of the problems of the past couple of weeks are going away now.]


[Action] dawndigger August 16 2010, 03:41:41 UTC
[Damn this village.]

What else is there to be picky about? Everything's going back to normal.


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