Hands and brains are finally properly calibrated. A warm up piece before colouring the christmas pics I owe my flist. *wink* They're mostly completed, now for the kazillion hours of colouring. Which I'm still rusty at.
Hm...emotional stress? Cause of most eating disorders isn't a lack of available food. ...Or eating habits are often established during a childs early years.
Eh, I honestly wasn't thinking that hard about it...but come to think of it, good thing for Harry...he'd probably have had major growth stunting if he had to exist for another seven years on what the Dursley's were willing to feed him.
Yeah, the 'pallid' descrip made me think deathly thin. What with an abusive father, teasing Marauders and evil peers, no wonder he's turned out to be a cynical person.
I think he got his thiness from his mum Eileen Prince though. :P From what Harry described of her in HBP.
Comments 51
they look dead in a way, but that the lighting
scary but cute
Really love his eyes. :)
Uhm, yeah. I'd like to see the rest of his face. Pretty please. *Drool*
Eh, I honestly wasn't thinking that hard about it...but come to think of it, good thing for Harry...he'd probably have had major growth stunting if he had to exist for another seven years on what the Dursley's were willing to feed him.
Fire hot. Picture pretty.
I think he got his thiness from his mum Eileen Prince though. :P From what Harry described of her in HBP.
( p.s. Wow, your icon's so damn sexy.)
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