Supernatural 7x21

May 05, 2012 01:15

First of all YAY!!! : )

Yep, that's my overall reaction! That... and I can't look my cat in the eye anymore, thanks to Cas.

I'm feeling bullet points - 
  • I like Kevin Tran! Too bad that at the end of the episode he's pretty much fucked. Unless, it's possible that the Levithans will want to keep him alive.
  • Kevin's Mom had very cool hair!
  • I loved the Angel!magic, as I am choosing to call it. Like Cas setting up the Sorry! board, and later when he donated some blood for the cause so to speak. I've missed that kind of stuff!
  • I've missed Angels! Yes, I've said it. I didn't think I ever would, but after 2 seasons filled mostly with weirdass Alphas, Campbells, and Leviathans... well, Angels and Demons feels nice and familiar. 
  • Hmmm... So Meg might be trying to use Cas as leverage with Crowley, to save her own ass. Not surprised. Pleasantly surprised that the boys saw through her in this one episode rather than drawing it out. Go boys!
  • What was with Kevin's golden eye flashes? Chuck never had those. Is Kevin a special Word-of-God Reading Prophet, and that's why? Or has the show decided to fancy-up its cannon on Prophets? 
  • It's so good having Cas and Meg back in the game. And I am enjoying Cas's adoration of her. It's an interesting reference to the days of his porn watching. LOL
  • I'm liking this new Cas! I'm very interested in seeing where the writers take him from here!
  • I liked Hester too. And Annius? Inaious? How the heck is his name spelled?! I'll have to go look it up.
  • Cas's separate conversations with the boys are worthy of thought too. 
  • After what Cas uttered about cats, I can't look at my cat in the same way ever again. LOL
  • I also loved Kevin's freak-outs! It's so important, I think, to have that reminder that this world our boys live in is pretty freakin' scary. Most of us fans/viewers are pretty jaded at this point, I think. At least, speaking or myself. So having Kevin was good.
  • My favorite Kevin moment was probably "This looks like a sex torture dungeon!" 

Well, there you go. I think those are the main things I wanted to say.

And here we thought, or I thought anyways, that I would never write episodereviewsrambles again!

supernatural, s7, episodereview

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